Ive seen several postings about dead MFD's but those were specific to 2004 models. The MFD in my 2007 just went dead one day, no intermittent function or problems otherwise. The dealer said they can get referb'd units which will save me a load of cash, but I was wondering if anyone else has had a display just die, and have found a fix for it. I checked fuses and they were all ok. Im well beyond waranty miles, but the car is but three years old. Between the display and my HIDs going out Im starting to question the Prius's longevity. The upkeep costs are starting to rise with these expensive issues popping up.
My 2007 Prius just started having display failure. The screen is black that used to show mileage -- the climate and audio screens work. I have gone to the display screen and the <display screen off> button shows, but when I push it, the screen goes back to black. I cannot get any live screen unless I push the climate or audio screen buttons. Who knows how long they will last! Do I have to pay to have this fixed? I just had the Prius in to be serviced at 30,000 miles and then this started. Is that connected in some way? Help!
Jane, welcome. I would go back to the dealer ASAP before the 3/36 warranty expires. IMO this is unrelated to whatever they did at 30,000 miles.
i've replaced the MFD on my 2006 prius around 80K+ miles under extended warranty. If you haven't bought it and still under 36k, i would say buy it for about $900. alternatively, if you disconnect battery and let it reset, it might work. my old one went dark so i took to dealer. they said it's dead and told me replacement will arrive in couple of weeks. during that time somehow my battery kinda died and i had to jump the car. after that the MFD came back to life. since dealer already got approval from extended warranty, they still replaced it/
This is normal behavior. The <display screen off> button is there to allow you to turn off the screen. To turn it back on, press any key that normally switches the display. The buttons on the steering wheel are the most convenient. The owners manual discusses the setup options, and I think you have it in a mode that returns to the previous state after a short time in climate or audio mode.
Try pushing the info button and then Trip Information button on the screen and see if the energy screen comes back on.
I had exactly same problem on 2007 model. The display went dark. I was going to take it to the dealer for diagnostic at $130/hr, dreading the $4K bill, when I read this post and tried disconnecting the 12V battery for few minutes. Display came back. I have 60K miles, so perhaps it is time to replace the 12V battery anyway. Perhaps some electrical glitch turned the display off, and the reset fixed it. Thanks for the tip.
Direstraits, I had the same problem as Jane and did as you suggested and it worked! Thanks a million. The dealer had told me they didn't know what was wrong with it ("probably the heat") and that I'd have to spend $6K to replace the whole system. I can check my mileage again!! YAY!!!
To all who disconnected the 12v & found a fully functional MFD when it was reconnected please enter Maintenance Mode & report the 12v's voltages. I am curious to see if there is a specific voltage level that powers only half the screens. When my 12v was low & when it failed I had a fully functional MFD right up to the failure.
It is now Nov 2022 and my 2007 Prius has over 208k on it. It still has the original hybrid battery and brake pads. It also survived my son who graduated High School in June 2007, so 16 years of no accidents, no speeding tickets. Water pump(s) were changed at 100k due to the recall on the cooling system for the hybrid battery. Son was bad about checking oil, but it survived quite a few times where every time one went around a corner, the Red Triangle of Death would come on. I am here because my Nav's screen is starting to go. Either glows a faint parchment color or is black, then it might boot up and work for 1-2 minutes, then go out again. It doesn't matter what window it is set to. Q: I was just wondering if a connection might be loose, and if there are certain wires or plugs or fuses that will trigger this type of weird behavior. Q: Also wondering if any later model used or aftermarket Nav systems (that are updateable!) fit this car without modifications. The Map in it does not show my 2nd home's development that was built in 2005