I live in Fort Worth and I'm interested in a hymotion upgrade. Unfortunately, the closest thing to me is in Denver, CO. That is like a 15 hour drive. I've sent emails to Hymotion asking them what I should do, or if there is any way I could install the kit myself since I'm a pretty good mechanic and I've even built and worked on electric cars before. I've even suggested that I could become a certified installer in the area, since we obviously need one. But they never answer. It isn't that they say no, they just never return my emails. So first of all, I'd like to know if anyone has any suggestions about how to go about getting a hymotion kit in my area? Second, I'd like to know opinions on why hymotions is the best. I've heard of some of these other kits which are cheaper and can be installed yourself, but don't seem to offer a pure-EV mode, which is what I want.
Here is the info for a new Hymotion installer in Texas! Feel free to post us on the forums - we are called "Plug-In Vehicles of Texas" and I included our info below. We aren't on the Hymotion site yet as "CHIPS" but everything is a go and we are scheduling our first five Prius's with the City that will certify us. *Gary Krysztopik* Plug-In Vehicles of Texas ZWheelz, LLC - www.zwheelz.com Alamo City Electric Auto Association - www.aceaa.org blog - http://voices.mysanantonio.com/drive_electric_san_antonio/ San Antonio, TX *Craig Egan* Plug-In Vehicles of Texas President - ACE Technologies, Inc. www.nogas.us Alternative Energy Technologies www.acetechnologies.net Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
There needs to be one there and in the Austin area. Real dealers too, not shade-tree mechanics (with degrees in ele. engineering LOL)