Here is your quote: "You come on here like it's Fox News with claims of Toyota "lying", "cover ups" and "deceit"...yet have zero facts or unbiased information. What we do know for fact is - of your 18 posts regarding Prius/Toyota, every single one of them (going back to july 2009) has been negative/critical. Unhappy with your car choice?" Just curious to know when Fox reported that or where you just lumping them in? BTW - I watch MSNBC too
I didn't see this posted, so without beating a dead horse anymore with a stick..... The Prius is made in Japan. The Denso parts are made in Japan, and are used on the Prius. The "8 other Toyota models" use a combo of Denso & CTS parts. CTS parts are made in the US, and are supposedly the cause of the problems. Regardless of what parts are the actual problems, the "8 models" are all built in the US, while the Prius is built in Japan. Like my Land Cruiser (which is also built in Japan), they are rock solid and bullet proof so I would have zero worries or concerns regarding this current recall when driving a Prius.
I don't like labeling anyone as a troll. I assume sincerity as much as possible. But I'd like to point out that the article you present is two months old. Plus if you read it, it's more an arguement that the NHTSA needs to update it's standards and criteria than a very effective judgement against Toyota. Plus if your NOT a troll, what do you want to discuss? Your Original Post was entitled "Toyota Customer Service" and imo it has nothing to do with Customer Service. As a Prius Owner what level of customer service has disappointed you? You do realize that Prius is not included in the accelerator pedal recall? You entitle your thread Toyota Customer Service and say your mostly happy with owning a Prius IV with Solar Roof but then go off and start attacking NOT customer service but Toyota Corporations handling of the recent recall efforts. At the very least you have mistitled your thread. The second thing you do is almost immediately insult Prius Chat and everyone in it. If your not a troll you aren't "striving" to plant fertile grounds for reasonable discussion. Again, I'll assume you aren't a troll. My opinion concerning the recall is in flux. It's an important story to a lot of people. But when you talk about "The Recall" you are talking about a process that is multi-faceted and is unfolding as an action and a story. As an action, I have no problem with Toyota's "Customer Service", IMO they are halting sales and production and doing everything they can to solve the problem and get back to what they would much rather do, sell cars and restore their image. As a process and an unfolding story, I think we just have to wait and see what unfolds. Toyota will be judged by how quickly and effectively they resolve this. As a story, it's become sensational and political and cut-throat business. As a story, we are probably going to have months and months of debate and finger pointing as to who knew what and when, and who should of done what when, and so on and so forth.... I want the truth, but I don't think it really exists yet. My hope is that it is judged that Toyota did act quickly enough and responsibly enough. Does that make me a "Toyota Shill"? No, it makes me someone who wants the global economy and the American economy to rebound. As this unfolds I'd like Toyota to return to prominence as a automaker. Competitors or not, with the global economy in a slump business is good for everyone. A few months back I was disturbed and upset to hear about GM dealerships closing doors and I'd be upset to hear about Toyota being injured and forced to do similar. Simple bottom line, I think Toyota should get more media credit for doing the right thing now, at great sacrifice and expense. The debate over whether they should of done more, sooner, or mishandled it in anyway is far too premature. Most sources that aren't lawyers trying to sue, seem to think Toyota acted responsibly. I'm willing to wait and see how that story unfolds. I'd suggest to the OP that if the rumors and accusations made by some that Toyota did not act responsibly bother you enough, sell your Prius and buy whatever you wish. But right now the only tangible actions I see, is a historically massive recall for the good of Toyota and the good of Toyota owners. Toyota has halted over 2/3rds of their line-up in America and simultaneously is trying desperately to employ a fix to a problem. At this point what more can they do? This is going to be investigated, by numerous parties with numerous agenda's. Anything that develops from those investigations I'll evaluate as information either exists or doesn't. For now, I wish Toyota the best in what seems to me to be a openly transparent attempt to do everything they can to remedy a "rare" but dangerous flaw in only "some" of their accellerator pedals. Trust me, Toyota NEVER wanted this to happen.
Yes, you make good points about the frequency of occurrence and your question 2-3 re the data are well-considered. But a question for you: Do you fasten your seat belts even if there weren't a law requiring it? Do you ask your kids to do so? Would you ever disengage your airbags? Probably not; because even if the frequency is small of a fatality (1.4 deaths per million vehicle miles in the U.S.), it is so catastrophic, you want protection for it. In addition, frequency of an occurrence is *not* the probability of that occurrence. In an electronic failure, it's usually some combination of events which may cause that probability to be 100%. For example, Wozniak is probably not imagining things when he senses that using cruise control with some combination of perhaps speeds, acceleration, braking, etc. causing SUA. In addition, I doubt he's a troll or watches Fox.
Ummm, what? yes, in a perfect world I want to live forever. But I know that's not gonna happen, so I live my life to the fullest without taking unnecessary risks. I do not believe, and the frequency of occurance indicates, that driving my prisu is NOT hazerdous to my health. Eating fatty foods is, but I still do it...your point? :doh: In a nut shell, the frequency of occurance is a measure of the probability of that event happening. More precisely - "The relative frequency of occurrence of an event, in a number of repetitions of the experiment, is a measure of the probability of that event." We need not split hairs here. But then again, there's a real good chance he's not talking about what people here have been taling about when they characterize their "sudden acceleration while braking". His exact quote - "This new model has an accelerator that goes wild, but only under certain conditions of cruise control. And I can repeat it over and over and over again--safely." That's GREAT news for Toyota that he can repeat it, "over and over and over again". That's exctly what is needed to help diagnose the problem. Nevertheless, this has jack to do with what you said about toyota's "deceit", lying and cover ups". Next time you might want to take a more rational and controlled approach to your criticisms. Making unsubstantiated slanderous claims will earn you no brownie points on this site, except maybe with other trolls?