When accelerating moderately from a dead stop, I feel a little shuttering for about a second, and then smooth acceleration. When I press on the pedal gently from a dead stop, I do not get this brief shuttering. I am assuming the shuttering when accelerating modrately is the result of the ICE kicking in suddenly? Any thoughts?
Correct. At slower acceleration you are running only on MG2 with MG1 spinning backward to keep the ICE stationary. When the ICE needs to start, MG1 has to rapidly change speed to spin the ICE up to starting speed. On a brisk start, the Prius immediately fires off the ICE. Tom
Thanks very much. So, apparently, if the Prius needs to fire up the ICE on a brisk start, this is not an entirely smooth, transparent process.
It's fairly smooth. Think about starting the engine in a normal car, then consider what it takes to do it on the fly. That said, I can always tell when the ICE starts and stops on my Gen II Prius. Tom
It is not as 'smooth' as electric power. Do you notice it all the time or it is occasional? How long have you had the car? Bob Wilson
I have had the car about 11/2 months. I drive in ECO mode most of the time. It only happens when I try to accelerate briskly. When I am gentle on the pedal, it accelerates smoothly, but, of course, more slowly.
I suspect it will smooth out as the car gets some miles on it. My GII is very smooth at it now. Not so when new.
mine does the same thing. I don't think it will get any better as mine has not in over 13,000 miles. But it's not a big deal and i know why it happens. I just think it feels just like a normal car shifting from first to second gear.