Oh geee...let's see...which one to choose, which one to choose...tough choice....give me a minute here, I need to think this through! Ummmm...eeny, meeny, miney, moe....no wait....ARG the pressure!! Umm..ok ok ok ok....ummm... Classic? Yah, classic! jellyfish or sharks?
iphone: leash AND lifeline. Seriously though, this thing has been great for the gym and tracking expenses and calories and exercise and playing a game or three or five every now and again and by "now and again" I do obviously mean "way more than I should". Coconut: Under-appreciated flavor or Just Plain Nasty?
Under-appreciated (side note: I always wondered why German Chocolate was called then when the key ingredient is coconut, which is not indigenous to Germany. It was years later when I found out it was called that because the guy who invented it was named German, just like the Caesar in Caesar Salad or the Bell in Taco Bell). Speaking of which: Taco Bell or KFC?
Coming out of the auto body industry, you never, ever buy a small car in black. Always a light or hot color. So white it is with red a very close second !! LOL
I confess (crossing threads) that I know little enough about either of the above to make an intelligible response .... But, this one might arouse a few: Twins separated at birth? Sarah Silverman --- or --- Octavia
I'll go with Octavia. Boys from Brazil or girls with Brazil? (I'd do another wiki link, but that would get me in trouble. You can look it up.)