Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III And I thought I might be the only one that had been left out. My Nav even works fine and I even get great reception with AM, FM and SAT radio !!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III This is really kind of funny. This thread has become a cathartic release for Prius Owners. You guys have had a lot of pent up "My Car is Great" emotions. Well given recent events I can understand. Carry on....restore balance to The Hybrid Force.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III My Prius has handled perfectly in this huge snowstorm that hit here this past weekend. Actually DH moaned this morning that it handled better in snow than any other vehicle we have ever owned. What is up with that?!?! He doesn't get to drive it often and funny thing he LOVES the brakes. There is just no tellin' about taste. Go figure.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III Except for the fact that I sold myself the one with the invisible target painted on it ( damn unethical bast*ard ) causing me to be hit 5 times in 142,000 miles .... nothing has gone wrong that wasn't operator caused. Is running out of gas 6 times considered operator error or the fault of the damn car? At this rate I'll be lucky to get another 140,000 miles on it over the next 4 yrs. Nice post OP.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III I'm sure mother Toyota loves all of you, now get out your prayer rugs and bow down toward the West several times each day. And, heaven forbid, if anything should ever go wrong with your car don't post it here. If you do it might upset the other Toyota worshippers.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III My xm sat radio doesn't cut out on me and to make matters worse, I was forced to accept a ridiculus low monthly rate. Now I am left to listen to it!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III ->The throttle issue isn't supposed to exist on the 2010 Prius. (fingers crossed) ->The lose/loose braking thing can be recreated, but it's a relative thing - IMO, more "feel" than real danger, but it sure feels really weird/uncomfortable... ->I can't get the reverse "grabbing" thing to happen either - and my driveway is on a hill. But at slow speeds the brakes feel a lot more sensitive. Overall, they are definitely "non-linear" and the design could have been (could still be) improved. ->Squeaky brakes - check. Happens after damp days, just like my old car - the difference is that the Prius uses friction brakes less, so the cause of the squeak doesn't go away quickly like a normal car. It's a little embarassing to have a brand-new car squeaking like an old rust-bucket as I back down my driveway, but whatever - no biggie. ->Rattles/squeaks - only on really really rough roads at speed in cold temps. Same as my old car. ->Snow handling - the OEM tires are indeed sh*t and trigger traction control / VSC easily on sloppy roads, but with real snow tires the Prius actually kicks butt! Ice is still ice, but I have driven through 6" of heavy snow (not powder) with no problem.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III And how did you get the low rate? The last time I heard about a decent rate on XM was when I cancelled it and they tried to get me to stay. (no deal - I was too pissed that I couldn't cancel online and had to waste 20min on the phone instead)
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III I have all those same issues you listed. I'm going to contact NTHSA, fed & state attorney generals, tv stations, and class action lawyers because Toyota customer service is useless since they keep telling to bring the car back and they'll replace it with HS hybrid. I think i'm going to go hang out in Insight forum. j/k.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III You will have to go to the "Audio" thread. You basically tell them you are not interested and negotiate a price you are willing to pay.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III I thought I was the only one having the problems!!! Glad to hear I'm not alone.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III Your ominous portrayal of this understandably totally and uniquivically defective vehicle, would be grounds for a Class Action suit against Toyota...accept, uhhh, I don't fathom you'll find many willing (or actually interested) in participating in that endeavor ! David (aka Blind Guy)
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III David, I think you are once again turning your blind eye to a real and significant problem. Tom
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III Ok, now I'm convinced, it's the US carmakers'(GM, FORD & Chrysler)lobbyists that are in a conspiracy with the Republicans & The Detroit Free Press to destroy Toyota!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III Tom; PLEASE forgive me, I had a sudden moment where I actually thought this was a reliable and usefull vehicle...PLEASE I apologize for succoming to such a ridiculous pondering!!! David (aka Blind Guy)
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III And what about the low emissions! Whazz up with that? I need a full dose of pollutants to get my day going!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III What I want to know, how come no matter how much cargo I put in my Prius, my mother in law STILL fits inside! There HAS to be some way to fix that!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III I hate that the 2010 does not integrate nicely with my iPhone, Blackberry, TomTom/Garmin, and whatever gadget I buy next week.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III I have on occasion experienced a slight bit of the loss of brakes over the bump syndrome, but upon a suden, unannounced shriek of joy at each event, within a totally quiet, non-talking passenger situation, their jumping out of their seats, heads bobbling, eyes like Owls, are just what I need as commuter excitement in this otherwise sedate egg of a car. The shriek comes with no expression on my face, no eye movement... so that the entire episode is even more inexplicable. Questions in angry voices are ignored, making things even more amusing. I simply reach over, past the steering mounted volume control and MANUALLY, to confuse them further, turn up the radio and drown out irate inquiries over the brakes and my behavior. I especially hate that while driving this POS just exactly like i do my twin turbo beamer, launching off the line and pedal to the metal up hill, I manage never less than (no joke) ... I am SUEING!!!