Hi All, When I first turn on my 2007 Prius there is a bad smell from the a/c, it goes away after about 5 secs. I checked the cabin filter and it looks and smells fine, anyone else experience this? Thanks, Greg
It has been covered extensively on this site. Try a search on AC smell. Here is one of the many threads on the subject. http://priuschat.com/forums/care-ma...rius-c-vent-odor-smells-like-dirty-socks.html
I got excited when I saw your header. I thought that maybe Toy finally put out a TSB for this problem. Your in the wrong forum. Post this in the "Care-Maintenance" forum. If you want to see alot about your problem search my old posts.
I had this problem and it is caused by moisture (condensation) in the AC system. Set your AC to 72 degrees or higher and the problem should go away. It has for me.
You may also want to change your cabin air filter and have the air conditioner system serviced. It may be a large problem if not taken care of right away.
There is also a [low] possibility that some critter died inside your car vent system. edit: oh Wth this thread is old.
There is now a TSB applying to 2007 – 2010 Camry, Camry HV 2004 – 2008 Prius which involves replacing the evaporator core. T-SB-0261-09 August 6, 2009 HVAC Odor.
Wow thank you! Found more info about it here: T-SB-0261-09 August 6, 2009 HVAC Odor - Toyota Forums :: Toyota Nation Looks like it's covered under the 3yr/36k warranty and I barely qualify still. Hope to get this fixed ASAP!
Might as well quote the content here: from http://www.toyotanation.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2909862
Had my evaporator replaced under this TSB. Smell is starting to come back again. I might just get rid of the car at this point.
Maybe try to persuade the dealer to do this treatment that seems to help: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/81386-mildew-smell-2.html#post1142278
My A/C had a sour smell too b/c I use to force it to recirculate the air even when Auto mode chose fresh air. Toyota service explained to me that fresh air needs to be used every so often keep the system from retaining moisture, leading to mildew. When the smell occurred, switching to fresh air for a minute would clear up the problem for a little while. I changed my habits to allow Auto mode switch to fresh air as it wishes and eventually the problem went away for good.
I do the same, thinking that in my humid climate it's silly to keep sucking in fresh humid air. I also have the smell, but all the dealer ever did was recommend changing the cabin air filter every few months. Thanks for the tip.