I live in the Salt Lake City area and take many trips up the mountain to snowboard and to California to visit my kids and surf. Here's my question: I do lots of interstate driving and the speed limit is 80 mph in some parts, seventy-five in most others. It's winter, I have M&S tires on my car and I have been getting about 38-40 mpg. I have been putting the cruise on and just travel the speed limit. Anything you hypermilers do in those situations or should I be happy with what I get? Thanks.
Hi Bob, 1) If it's winter and we're heading up I 15 into Montana, we only use cruise control on level ground. 2) Slow down ~ if you get (a safe distance) behind a big rig who is only doing 60-65, you'll still get where you're going, and folks behind you won't be angry at YOU, because they see the big rig in front of you. 3) Keep at LEAST 45lbs of pressure in your tires. 4) In the winter, Block your grill 100% (lots of 'how-to' threads on PC), because the ICE is more efficient when it's warmer. 5) (You probably won't do this one but) Consider dropping your speed down going over the mountain passes (remember? those trucks do it all the time). I do these & never have a tank full average less than 50mpg, unless there's a ton of cargo with you. Good luck!
If you want better mileage, the main thing is to slow down. 80 mph is too fast for good mileage. Aerodynamic drag goes up by the square of the speed: two times faster is four times the drag. Tom