On January 1, I locked my 2010 Prius with the door handle touch. The car was in the garage until today, January 31, without being touched. We then flew off for a month in Florida. I was a little worried about starting the battery after we returned. The temperature dipped below freezing a few times -- it was a pretty cool month for Northern California. This morning, I went out to the car with the fob in my pocket and grasped the door handle. The car immediately unlocked. I got in and with my foot on the brake, pressed the start button. The car started up instantly. The battery indicator was down only one bar from the top. My car is a October 2009 build and has 2600 miles. Does anyone have a parked battery that has remained charged for a longer period of time?
That is good news. Makes me wonder why others have reported problems. The silver lining though is that it takes very little to jump the car... even just a block of double AAs.
I think very very few have reported problems - many have reported "worries" - kinda like the brake thread {OMG I'm worried i'll park my car for 8 days}..
That's pretty good. I know in the GenII, like mine, it is more of an issue in cold weather. I have parked my car with a full battery only to come back 8 hours later and only have 2 bars left. But that was at -20F and not just below freezing.
The starting battery is the Hybrid Battery. The 12 volt battery has limited duty and needs to be present to operate the Smrt Key functions ( courtesy lamps & unlock the door ). From there is has to tell the Hybrid battery that the "Start" button has been pressed. From there the Hybrid battery spins up the gas engine with the electric motor. The 12 volt is then operating the lights, radio, etc. Generaly the smart key system searching for and finding the key fob is the reason that the 12 volt battery dies. Smart Key activates the interior lights as you approach then unlocks the door when you grab the handle. If the key is in range of the car, the system stays active and that runs the battery down while waiting for the key to enter the 3-foot range of the door.
I'm curious why the Owners Manual says that the SKS disables itself after a given number of days of non-use (the exact number escapes me)? And why are some having NO difficulty, while others are experiencing Battery failure? It seems reasonable that if the FOB actually drained the 12V Battery after only a few days of non-use while in the vicinity of the Prius, this problem would be much more widespread, and causing a considerable uproar among ALL Prius owners, due to the fact many owners leave their FOB's in their cars while in their garages. David (aka Blind Guy)
It's disable to prevent the 12 volt battery from being discharged. I deleted that paragraph about the discharge in a 'few days." That was totaly incorrect. If the key is in the Prius or remains very close to it, the SKS system will drain the battery. It will take more than a few days. I'd suggest 30 days would leave the battery discharged to the point that the car will not start.
I left my FOB in the car after backing it out of the garage to wash it today. It let me know about it! Hadn't heard that warning before, so it kind of surprised me. Are people turning off this warning if they leave the FOB in the car?
I honestly don't mean to be argumentative, but the manual CLEARLY states the SKS will be disabled in something like 3-9 days if inactive, and gives the proceedure for enabling it once it's been disabled, Also, as the above poster ;intimates, if the SKS is left inside the vehicle, it causes the Prius to emit a continuous tone until removed. David (aka Blind Guy),
Re: off the subject and onto pacemaker ? Hi I wondered if you might know how the sks system or antenna locations affect people with pacemakers. I was very surprised to see that they have a warning on the 2010 dvd after I purchased my Prius about pacemakers. They give a warning with no specifics. My dealer said they had no idea and referred me to Toyota. I have a friend who has a pacemaker. Thank you for any help
A question: so what is the procedure if I want to leave my 2010 Prius untouched for a considerable period,. e.g. a month or more? With my wife's 4runner we just disconnected the battery and then reconnected it after two months overseas. The vehicle started immediately.
As far as I have read on these forums, you can either just leave the car "as-is" and you should be alright, or disconnect the - cable from the auxiliary battery in the back. If I were you I'd just leave the car how it is and if you have any issues just jump it with a portable battery pack. Be careful, there are specific jump points under the hood for the Prius.
[\QUOTE]Does anyone have a parked battery that has remained charged for a longer period of time?[/QUOTE] We shipped our U.S. spec 05 Prius to Italy in 05. The car's boat ride lasted about 2 1/2 months...no problems at all. In 2009 we took the car from Italy back here to the U.S. and again about 2 1/2 months on a boat and no problems, but just for the sake of the hybrid battery we turned off the use of the button entry and button start. We were told this helps for extended periods of time.