Greetings all! I have successfully used both of my kids' 30GB iPods and my 2GB Nano (2nd edition) in my car. I have a cable that plugs into the docking connector on the iPods. My daughter's new iPod Touch, however, will not play through the car stereo. Does it need a different cable (the connector is the same as the other iPods since it can dock/sync with our computers)? If so, does anyone know why? Thanks! Greg
On my Ipod Touch I use an audio cable connected from the AUX input to the Touch's earphone output. That worked like a charm for me.
LEVE, Thanks for the info; I was steering away from those cables b/c w/ my other iPods I was having problems w/ volume, sound level, etc. and the dock connectors usually work very well...
The cable in the car that I used with my iPod (vintage 2005) works perfectly with my 32GB iPod Touch.
Newer iPods/iPhone/Touch require a new cable. Which product do you have installed to get the docking connector? They may offer an updated cable. - D
What if you just turn the volume up on the iPod Touch to about 3/4 level? That's always been enough w/my iPods and my iPhone 3G via headphone jack to aux in.
As has been said, there was a slight re-jig of the pin assignments between iPod Touch 1st Gen, iPhone 2G and the later 3G/3Gs and Touch 2nd and 3rd Gen. So given your issue it would seem that you need a new cable. Kensington's LiquidAux charger/aux-out works with all the current models and is Apple Approved. Also the steering wheel mounted remote works well. LiquidAUXâ„¢ for iPhone and iPod - K33429US - Kensington
Thanks Darren! I talked w/ an Applehead here at work and he essentially confirmed the pin reassignments -- apparently done when they switched the video out from composite to component. Anyway, several vendors (including Monoprice) have dock connector - to - 3.5mm cables that are "Touch compatible" now... Edit: I took a quick look at the LiquidAUX and it only mentions 1st and 2nd gen Touch compatibility; my daughter's is a late 2009/"3rd gen"...and the website says "Compatible with any iPhone and iPod with dock connector (excluding 3rd Generation iPod)" you think they mean 3rd gen iPod Touch?
My Ipod shuffle will not work any ideas V with nav? It will show the usb but nothing else when hooked up.
I had a huge problem with my touch and the cable in my minivan. I actually had to wipe the whole thing and start over. I haven't had a problem in my Prius though.
You're asking in the wrong section. The 2010 Prius is not a 2nd gen. There are no USB ports in any model year of 2nd gen.