Hi all, sorry for asking these questions, but even after some serious looking around I wasn't able to find answers to these, so maybe someone could answer in the thread or point me to the respective threads... 1. Alarm system. From what I understood, every Toyota dealer can enable that in every (!) Prius. What he has to do is set the code RS3200 to yes. Should he SEE this RS3200 thing, or does he have to add it to some list of codes, and THEN set it to yes? 2. Rear view camera: My Prius doesn't have one, it's a 2006. Will it have the harness already there, meaning I only have to buy the module and put it in? Or is that impossible? 3. Navi DVD upgrade: Doable? Where do I get the DVD? 4. Lamps and bulbs: Anyone here from Germany who does have some experience where to get all these things in Deutschland? Seems to be kinda harder than it was in the States. Thanks and take care, ingo....
Hello and welcome to PriusChat! 1. That's correct. A dealer can enable the alarm in the Gen 2 Prius. I don't recall the exact procedure but they should have the technical service manual with them. 2. You'll have to buy everything from the camera to the harness but it is possible to do it. There are a few members here who have installed a factory-looking backup camera. 3. The DVD is purchasable from your dealer at a cost (In North America, it's close to US$200!!) 4. powerbulb.com is based in the UK. If you're talking about LEDs, superbrightleds.com (based in th eUS)
In the USA a Prius with a Nav unit would have the camera. If you are thinking of adding the factory unit, forget it. Spend the money on a portable unit & beanbag mount.
Again, thanks for the answers Could someone shed some light on the Nav DVD and the firmware update? I was unable (too stupid?) to find something about it, but it seems to me from the posts that the Nav DVD also updates the firmware.... Firmware of what? The car? The audio system? The... whatever? Thanks
I am also a n00b and am looking to replace the interior lights with LEDs. Is there a pack that you can buy to replace all of them or do you have to match them up one by one on superbrightleds? I have an 06 Prius and have found the sylvannia guide for the replacement bulbs. Is this the same P/N for the LED lights?
I'm unaware of any firmware updates. It's strictly a mapping update. match them one by one. They're sold individually.
@Tideland: My daler told me that it's also a firmware upgrade. He said that (well, in Germany maybe) it is possible to operate the nav while the car is in motion. Well, we'll see, I ordered a DVD
Hmm... well let us know. As far as we know (on this side of the Atlantic), the firmware is set. Yes, only in Canada and the US is it locked out while in motion.
OK, here is my status quo so far. I ordered a couple interior LEDs (an array for the dome, couple wedge based ones for the reading lights, and a couple festoons for the others, need to check the door lights before I order something for them). I also ordered a new nav DVD set, which should upgrade to the latest version. Right now, operating the system while driving is blocked. Also, my dealer was not able to do anything to the RS3200 code. He saw it, but he said there's no way to enable it or something. So if someone has more info on this, it would be appreciated
Locked in motion here in the UK too. FWIW, I have an 06 T-Spirit with Nav and it did not come with the back-up camera but the harness IS present in the tailgate. However I have not as yet succeeded in finding the camera for sale at a reasonable price.
No way or he doesn't want to do it? . The door courtesy lamps are the same as the personal/map lights and the licence plate lights (and the parking light for that matter). Really? wow... we really thought it was a NA thing (you know.. US and lawsuits)... Really? ok I have an 05 and a backup camera wasn't offered in Canada or the US until 2006 (presumably, it's the same in the UK...)
Hallo Ingo, Wilkommen nach Priuschat :welcome:! 1) do not know 2) Yes, the harness should be present. The Prius MFD accepts composite video signal, so it should be doable with some generic camera. However, you would have to hack the MFD to switch to auxiliary composite video input when the car is in reverse somehow. I've seen several ways to do it around the Inernet. Just google "prius aftermarket camera" or something like that. I never tried it myself though (yet ). 3) If you want to upgrade the maps, you can order the DVD here: TOYOTA Navigation Map Updates If you want to update the firmware, I do not know. 4) Either e-bay or Toyota dealer would be my guess . When I bought my car, I got a complete set of spare bulbs with it. Never had to use any of them so far though. They are very reliable.
OK, thanks for the replies again. I just pulled off the interior cover of my tailgate. What I found close to the location of the camera is a plug, which is covered on one side, and on the other there are seven withe cables connected to it, some of them with a white stripe. Is that the camera harness? i.
I got my new Nav DVD.... Version 9.1. Guess what: It's totally unlocked. I can even enter an address while driving Love it.