Today was the first day I used the NAV system since having all my windows tinted. I used non-metallic on the windshield (50%) and 35% metallic everywhere else. When I went in to recall a previous point entry, all of the addresses I had entered previously were gone. After fooling around with things for a bit, I discovered that the NAV system had reset from my home region 1 to a region on the East Coast! The addresses I had previously stored in memory were still there. I reset my home region to 1, but the previous points were still gone. The NAV system functioned fine once it was reset. Was this the NAV system's response to having someone tinker around with the windshield or do you think the tint guys had some fun with me? When I picked up the car, I noticed they had been in my glove box and had the owners manual pulled out. I cannot fathom why they would have needed to refer to the owners manual to install the tint.
Notify the owner of the tint shop; employees who snoop usually graduate to stealing. He'd like to know.
I would expect it was Prius curiosity. Heard about it, finally had a chance to read some real information and touch a few things. However, shouldn't they be spending their time working on cars? Interesting that you can tint the windshield in Washington. It isn't exactly Southwest or Florida hot sun up there. In Vermont it is illegal to tint the windshield or the front windows. Presumably for the safety of police officers who approach the car.
would the nav system be reset if the 12v battery were disconnected? maybe they do that (or think they need to) when they put the tint in? ---just brainstorming... the answer to this puzzle should be a really interesting one!
Disconnecting from the battery for a while will do this. Mine did the same after I got it back from the body shop fixing a few minor scratches. NAV history gone, defaults to that east region, and your back up beeper should be on again.
Wierd that they'd unhook the battery for window tinting... Maybe they were scared of the big bad hybrid battery? Dave
Wasn't 12V disconnection, or he couldn't have stated, "The addresses I had previously stored in memory were still there"