Rock broke the driver's window while I was parked at work. Nothing stolen but damage estimates exceed $1k. I don't really have any enemies and I haven't pissed anyone off lately - I don't drive offensively or upset people on the freeway. I can't figure out why someone might do this. Just a random act of vandalism I suppose. I've heard of things like this happening to SUVs but not to "green" vehicles. The majority of the expense goes towards replacing the scraped and damaged internal plastic pieces like the door moldings. The damage [Broken External Image]: The object that caused the damage [Broken External Image]:
Sorry that happened. When ever I park my baby in a parking lot, even when it is in the last spot way out in the middle of nowhere, i worry about something like that hapening. Brian
sucks. i worry about getting keyed, hit and runned, or something like that. it could happen to anyone. :guns:
Sorry to hear about your Prius. I've never understood vandalism except to imagine that there are people who are so disconnected from society and so sociopathic that damaging and sometimes destroying things to them is like skipping down a sidewalk is for us. I had the windshield on my Escort bashed in one evening; the lady at Speedy Auto Glass, three blocks from my house, told me that there were eight such incidents on the same night. Why? Did smashing windows "relieve the stress"? Do vandals believe that making life harder and less pleasant for someone else will help make their own misery less burdensome? I read that most vandals are teenage boys. You can bet they ain't happy campers.
Two weeks ago here in Orlando we had some nut case take a bat to over 40 cars at the parking garage of Rollins College. If you know any thing about Rollins you'll know many of them were new and high priced autos. They caught the guy thank God!! :guns:
People like this piss me off to no end. I'd love one time to catch one of these losers in the act, so that I could grind their faces up in the broken glass, and then pour bleach on 'em. :cussing:
Joel - Hopefully this is just a random act. Bummer that it happened at work because you can't really not park there again, right? I fell pretty bad for you, and pretty exposed myself.
Seeing a mangled Prius makes my skin crawl. You should put a message in the subject line like "WARNING: Disturbing image" or something.
I know how you feel, I bought a 1999 Jeep Grand (Limited), and didn't have it more than a month, when one day, I noticed that someone had decided to use my passenger door, to play tic tac toe, using a sharp object. I was able to get most of the DEEP grooves out, but it's still visible today. I hope one day (2006) to become a Prius or Highlander (Hybrid) owner. :roll:
It comes from pure monkey jealousy and rage at realizing that hybrids are the new hotness, and that whatever the vandal himself drives is in comparision old brokendown shit.