Depends on the demand in your area. Try all the dealers in the area. Have them compete against each other for your business. say to car dealer 2 that car dealer 1 offers an "out the door" price of XXXX and can they beat that? Take that price to car dealer 3 and repeat until you've run out of dealers, then go back to the start until they can't play price mambo anymore. The winner is the one with the lowest price. Always compare the out the door price.
Jazzjunkysue, I *just* bought one, today, for under MSRP, here in Connecticut. I went to Wallingford Toyota and dealt with Ron Jackson and Mike Cote. They were both helpful, no pressure, the starting offer was several hundred lower than MSRP and I was able to nudge it down a bit from there. They also had no surprise charges at signing. At one point I asked for all charges to be listed and he immediately complied - there was about $399 (taxable) for -all- of the various registration, documentation, etc. I was paying about 40% cash, financing the rest. When asked, they beat the interest rate Capital One was giving me which also saves a few hundred over the life of the loan. It was by far the smoothest car purchase I've ever made. Very highly recommended. PM me if you're going to use them and I'll give you my name to mention.
Here in Maine at least one dealer was advertising a Prius "sale price" of 22k. I got my II on December 26th for about 21.9k. And I only checked out two dealers. So even if dealers in CT aren't budging, going out-of-state will pay dividends. Of course, I don't know what package you're after and how much that package goes for.
Do some reading at Consumer Reports, and similar internet sites. Consumer Reports even offers a suggested price service for your chosen vehicle... As has been stated above demand drives demand =lower and high demand=higher prices. Most of the early "rush" is over for 2010 Prius and will probably continue to move downward unless gas prices soar. Our Western NC dealers are cutting prices similar to other vehicles they sell. You might want to do a little internet "shopping research" by checking posted asking prices in neighboring states. Watch the inventory movement at your preferred dealers. Lots of Prius cars and not a lot of turnover.... = good buyers mkt. I hope you can take your time and ultimately decide what you want, how much you'll pay above dealer invoice (dealers do have to pay the rent,employees, and other overhead) and become a Smart Shopper. Your choice of a Prius is a very wise start. Good Luck!
You are in CT. In neighboring RI, dealers are offering discounts. If a dealer won't sell below sticker, then walk out.
That was true when they first came out, but now you can usually find a dealer that will cut $300 to $700 off the price. Keep looking and don't forget to look on-line.
Try Berlin City Toyota over in New Hampshire. They will deliver to you for under $200. I've bought two cars from them, both over the phone. I've never even seen their building. They will have the lowest price in New England.
Here they just look at you with a blank stare in their eyes. No discount, but perhaps winter tires, or if you take all the options, throw in the AUX input for free. Base price here in Switzerland for a 2010 is $38.000.-
38,000 USD? Or 38,000 Euro? Either way, that's hella expensive! I think it would be tons cheaper to buy one in the US and ship it over there. Given all the instruments are easily switched between US (MPH) and metric, it would be easy.
Here is a link to the most popular car sales site in Switzerland: Auto Occasion suchen Autos kaufen im Automarkt von The cheapest 2010 is CHF 40'430.- in US that is $38.000.-
ask them to see original invoice, if they agree, give them $700. to $1000.. YOU WILL BE THE WINER!!! p.s. : If you are givinig $1000., make sure to get addition such as fist free oil chang and/or cargo netand/or............... good luck!!
Just tell them that they can't sell half their car models, you want a sale "period" at this point, make me an offer I can't refuse, otherwise good luck eating this month.
My dealer said that they could sell the Prius over MSRP with markup and when I said thank you and started to walk, they quickly changed their tune. After they told me to give them a price that I was willing to pay, and I low-balled them with a price I knew was under invoice, they then produced the invoice and we worked relative to that.
Where in CT? I know someone at the Stamford dealership. I also know they offer lifetime free oil changes there. But congratulations, you did the first smart thing - walk away and think about it. End of month is usually a good time to buy tho, so if you don't go through with it this month you may want to wait until late next month. Catch them when they're desperate for end of month quotas to be reached. - D