The frau and I have been trying to teach the daughter that lives with us how to cook something that doesn't pour out of a can or box for the past two years... Yesterday, she comes up and says, "I really love the steaming bags for the microwave, they make cooking soooo easy compared to cooking in a pan." She's actually becoming creative too... like putting the spices on the food before she pops it in the microwave... Don't get me wrong, I like the convenience too... and I am happy that she is beginning to get the concepts of what to put together and how to time putting foods on so they are all done at the right time to serve... Now if I could just get her to pay enough attention so the smoke alarms aren't set off every time she uses the stovetop for anything other than boiling water... having the twins run in and say "It's OK Papa, the house isn't on fire, Mommy's just cooking again." can be a bit annoying... we did however go 11 days without the alarm going off, a new in-house record... hopefully, one she will break next month.
Microwaves are really handy, but it's not cooking. Why didn't you start teaching her to cook when she was two, instead of two years ago? When she can make porridge without lumps, she's ready for the next level. Keep her away from stir-frys for now, just to keep the house from burning down.
She is my step-daughter... I met her after her Mother had been married to me for a couple of years... she moved back to home after she got out of the Navy with her twin girls (unmarried)... she was forced out after 7 years because she wasn't able to deploy on the Big Stick (which is in refit for the next several years) She actually is beginning to do stir-fry right... She still hasn't mastered milk gravy... And a heck of a lot of other things for that matter... but she is my responsibility to get raised right, soooo... while she goes to school to be a nurse, she'll be living with us.