Chuck....I think if he retires after last night, this would be the 4th retirement (someone correct me if I am wrong...). After seeing Deanna's face last night when Brett's ankle was injured, I think we have seen Brett's last game. This has been extremely hard on her, too, and we know the addage "if momma ain't happy, nobody's happy."
The words both of you were looking for there were root and rooting: All definitions courtesy of
WATCH Favre comes back for next year. 10 years later people start calling him old man... HEY OLD MAN!? WHAT UP OLD MAN! SUN CITY CALLED ASKING FOR YOUR PERMISSION SLIP TO BE OUT HERE...OLD MAN... WHERES YOUR KANE OLD MAN!!! WATCH YOUR HIP OLD MAN!!! lol NAAAA
Steve..........I do not know. After the look on Deanna's face last night, I'm not too sure. When he hit the dome floor multiple times last night, that was an "old man" who got up. I know he was hurting. I am sorry about that, but it's all in the game...
I know...if he comes back it's GOING to be the last season if not this is already....he really should have thought about it after he left the packers...what really sucks is that at this age...he must be developing degenerative arthritis...if not now he will be...once that happens...that's over...
No word that I have heard about Brett's possible retirement. Supposedly he wasn't there for the final team meeting yesterday in Minnesota. Does that mean anything?? Who knows... I wouldn't expect anything concrete until after the Super Bowl. Even though he has been asked, it was streamed on the NFL network last night that he wouldn't play. You're right about the the least. He was in a major hurt Sunday night..
I'm no techno-gal so I hope this works. There have been tons of songs adapted to the Saints for years. This one "Crunk" is played at half time in the dome (the place where no one sits down during a game!!). Let me know if it doesn't work; I'll send out the cavalry for help. Geaux Saints!!!
I think it would have been funnier if the misspelling had been ... It certainly would change the meaning of some sentences!