I recently purchased a '07 model and don't like the (oxidation?) spots that have accumilated around the driver and passenger door windows. Although the rest of the exterior is in near mint condition, the ~2" black areas (which I thought were metal) around the windows are spotted with white blemmishes. Yuck. Last weekend I tried to rub out the spots with polishing compound with very little to no luck. After some internet research, however, I have come to find that this area is covered with a thin protective layer of Black Out Tape (each of the four door windows has a separate, pre-cut piece). The dealership sells each piece for around $62 but I have found that I can get all 4 through the internet for under $120. Pretty expensive for 4 pieces of tape, huh? Has anyone out there had experience replacing the black out tape? I probably would want a body shop to do it. How lame would it be to ruin the application with air bubbles or krooked application. Curious to hear other people's experience.
Sounds odd. I'm going to look at my mom's gen 2. I wonder if it's the same on gen 3? I'm anxious to see some of the responses to this.
well, as it turns out, the previous owner left the vehicle out in the hot sun daily...plus he lived out by the ocean. someone suggested the film might be caused by an improper cleaning agent like Armour All. Anyways, I got a tip from another prius owner to use Mothers Back to Black. I will post how that works out.
Do you think you can post pictures loobie? I've read your post a few times, yesterday and today, and I still can't figure out what you're talking about.
This is what it looks like. Like I said, yuck. Yesterday I tried a product named Mothers Back to Black on a tip from a fellow priuschat member. It's a good product with a 100% guarantee but it failed to remove the spots. It did, however, do wonders for the rubber and plastic trim around the exterior of the car. Not sure how long will last though. What i am looking for is a product with a more holistic approach. Back to Black seems to cover surfaces with a nice shiny coating...I am looking for something that will remove the imperfections. Anyone experience similar spots on their trim?