Does anybody else have this issue? I have read the manual and even took it back to my sales guys who was stumped. When I click th AC button on the smartkey, the headlights light up, it seems to start and then shuts off within seconds. I have tried it from 10 feet away and even 30 feet. I have tried it inside of my house and outside. The windows are closed. The AC is settings are left so that it knows where to start. There is always enough battery power. Wondering if it is just a fluky setting issue. Will ask the service desk about it. Thanks.
What is the temp outside? Maybe it starts then notices it's cold out so it shuts it's self off? Maybe it's got to be hot out for it to work? Just a guess It's cold out
Did you check your battery level? Also how cold is it outside? if it's below freezing, why are you using the Remote A/C?
You need to work through the "rules" in the manual. Mine works fine but on occasions when I have clicked the button and it has stopped before the three minutes it has been due to the sensors indicating the temp inside the car is already less than the setting on the climate control. It will only cool down to a temp, no heating is attempted. Also there seem to be some rules that it must be on Auto and the temp not set to the minimum. Add the extra complexity that the battery must have enough charge and you see how confusing it becomes. I think it will be one of those things that the dealers will give you the run around until you give up or whatever is wrong finally stops it working completely. I had that situation with the climate control on my Kluger (Highlander) and they could never find anything wrong as that sort of gear tends not to collect and set OBD error conditions. Didn't help me when the climate control would suddenly go up to maximum heating and then eventually shut down completely along with the clock and the trip computer. Five minutes later it would reset itself and come back in default mode.
The fact that the OP is in CT, and is asking about remote AC in January may be a clue to what is up with the car regarding the AC issue. probably not an issue at all.
Are you trying to warm your car up in the morning?? Chances are the fact that it's the middle of the winter has alot to with it. The temperature set before the power mode is switched off is used as the set temperature and it works in the auto mode. Also if you leave the headlights and the wipers on they will work when the a/c is turned on by remote due to the ig1 and ig2 relays are turned powere up.
When cold outside, I've tried to fire up remote A/C. When the inside temp is colder than the set-point, the remote A/C will shut down. I noted this when doing a test to refute claims that the remote A/C system could also heat the car.