how many if us nerds watch football? I DO I DO :rockon::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::rockon: Anyways I watched the Vikings and the saints tonight boy oh boy was that a slug fest right to the bitter end at the 40 yard line. Brett Favre Played a damn good game though both teams just played their guts out. ANYWAYS..THE SAINTS AIN'T THE "AINTS" NO MO!!!...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUPER BOWL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it. I can finally retire my bag....LOL! Only 43 years to get to the big game. And wouldn't you know it, they go against Archie's kid. Go figure.
Caught the tail end. What I saw was good though Bless Farve.:cheer2: Saint's I suppose did deserve to go since it has only been what, 40 yrs?
Just a heads up: One of the mods will probably move this thread to "Fred's house of pancakes" Thats the place where us chatty folk post things not directly related to prii. I am not personally a football fan although I know many. My father is having a very bad bad night, I can tell you that. He has a ROOM dedicated to the Vikings.
HUGE fan of Drew Brees going back to his days at Purdue. I couldn't be any happier for Brees, the Saints and the city of NO. Fantastic game tonight!! Go Saints! :cheer2:
well i dint think so....they really REALLY gave the saints hell... and for them to get this far is cudos in my book.
Yeah, this isn't really a GenIII topic. So I moved it. However, I was rooting for the Colts since I'm a born Hoosier. And since I wanted a Manning/Favre Super Bowl I was rooting for the Vikings. Also, I know that it would really have peeved some of the Packer fans I work with if Favre had gone to the Bowl again but without the Packers. Unlike when the Colts beat the Bears, I'm pulling for the Colts in the Bowl!
I HATE Brett Favre. The old man needs to retire, he is classless. Plays like a rookie in the playoffs, and his season ends in an interception AGAIN, thank God! I'm also tired of seeing Payton Manning's face in every commercial. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!
Who Dat??? Dey Dat!!! I am so thrilled for the city (we evacuated after Katrina...) and the symbol of strength and rebirth this shows the world. The city and the Saints have a love affair that is unbelievable.....I believe!! Saints go all the way.....!!
Say what you want.............4 1/2 years ago, the roof was off the Dome, people were huddled in there fearing for their lives. Now the roof cascaded black and gold last night down on the same people......Who dat!!
While there were some official calls that were incorrect that went against the Vikings (IMO), both Championship games were exactly that... played by the best in the Leagues. I enjoyed both games yesterday... even though none of the teams I would normally watch were playing. The COWBOYS and the Raiders get to watch the game like I will... from home on the big screen.
The vikings lost it for themselves... 3 fumbles and 2 interceptions? Lets look at game changing plays... Near the end of the 3rdquarter, Farve throws an interception... when the Vikings were inside the 35. At minimum that would have been 3 points for the Vikings without that interception, and a win. In the 4thquarter, the Vikings fumble inside the 10 yard line. A touchdown opportunity blown (although they got the TD after the saints punted). At the end of the 4th quarter, Farve throws an interception from the 35. all they needed was 3 points from that field goal to win. All you saying he had a great game... his two interceptions cost the Vikings points and the game.
Eagle....I agree. He through that "gun slinger" of a pass right into Tracy Porter's hands....freshman quarterback mistake. But...........we will take the win!! Both Sunday games were awesome. I am so hoarse this morning!!! I have always been a Colts/Peyton Manning fan, but now February 7!! How ironic....Archie Manning's son will play the team who gave Archie his start!!
Interesting Super Bowl stories: Will Archie Manning route for his old team or his son? If the Colts win will there be an endless debate they could have been 19-0? Could this game establish Peyton Manning as the greatest quarterback of this era? (i.e. ahead of Tom Brady)
Chuck.....Archie has already been interviewed about his allegiance and he has said he loves the Saints but he will be routing for the Colts without a doubt. Could the Colts have been 19-0??? That's a question for the ages. Was resting their starters the best thing for Jim Caldwell to do?? I think so... Could this game establish Peyton as the greatest quarterback of this era? I heard the announcers say that it has been said that Brett Favre was the greatest quarterback to ever have played the game. I don't know if I totally agree with that....just count the "jewelry". Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady, etc., have more "bling." But, if Payton would win, that would be a legitimate argument. My biggest fear now is that the Saints didn't just set their goal "to go to the Super Bowl" but to actually win. I love Sean Payton and I believe if anyone can have them ready, he can.
While Brett Favre has most of the personal passing records, Peyton Manning probably will own them when he retires....most compare him against Tom Brady. This is not supposed to figure in my judgement, but this is about the 6th season Favre has been pondering retirement - enough.