The OCD part of me hates clutter in my cars, even out of view in the trunk or hatch. So nothing ever just sits there. I do like the collapsible box idea, and that sub-woofer idea could be marketed.
A flashlight, a towel, a blanket, clean socks & underwear, kotex, window cleaner, cleaning cloth for windshield, folded up trash bag (this is all under the floor), a parasol, and I think my DH's altimeter is under there, too. In the visible part, I carry my "bag-o'-bags" (reusable shopping bags), and a large folded blanket. This afternoon, there will also be four folding chairs in the Prius, a vegetable tray, some fruitcake, blueberry bars, baklava, chocolate pudding and apple slices, and some soy nog. Oh, and us!
Hmm, you all have given me ideas on what else I should be carrying in my hatch for safety reasons. Times like this I ewish the storage areas were not filled up with amplifiers! As for you Rae Vynn, You're luck you do not live closer or I might be temped to break and enter your poor little car just to raid the home-baked goodies! :rockon:
Heavest thing? 725lbs of UPS batteries and a 300lb 240 Volt DC to AC power supply ... all stuffed between the front & rear seats and in the rear hatch, making the 400 mile journey (along with my 225lb body weight) in the Prius - unofficially carrying 1,250LBS ... more than double its recommended GWV ! ! ! it was REALLY sitt'n low . . . in fact I'd say it was SLAMMED, as the hot rodders would call it. Do NOT try this at home .
82 photon torpedoes 4 continuous charge phaser regenerators 30 gravitic mines 12 type II phasers 6 phaser rifles 1 sphere of Red Matter
I race this. You must live in Chicago....or Compton? Do you have any vodka, comrade? Wth? No quantum torpedoes? :ban: You're the least heavily armed of your PriusChat peers!
not too much in my hatch.........just some Whole Foods bags to re-use when I go each week, an insulated bag to bring home frozen stuff..that's it. I'm not a big hauler of stuff!! By the way........WHO DAT!! We're Super Bowl-bound!!
A 17 foot ladder and a 5 foot step stool, four 8 gallon tubs of: PC parts, network electronics, network wiring and video wiring. 1000 foot spool of Cat 5e, 3 laundry bags of premade network cables: 5, 10, and 25 feet. A bag of power cables, one of printer cables, and one of telephone cables. Fish tape, a 3/8 inch drill, a 18 inch drill bit. 50 foot of extension cord and a vacuum cleaner. I also carry an emergency kit, spare pants and coat, and as many as two passengers.
A couple of mice -- probably -- and three of those "green grocery bags -- you know the ones you reuse over and over again.
I carry my gym bag and sneakers ... and sometimes the decorative pillow that I sewed for my prius gets thrown back there when I have a full load of people in the car! Does anyone know if two bikes can fit in the back with the seats folded down and all?
12 Drummers Drumming, 11 Pipers Piping, 10 Ladies Dancing, 9 Lords-a-Leaping, 8 Maids-a-Milking, 7 Swans-a-Swimming, 6 Geese-a-Laying, 5 Golden Rings, 4 Calling Birds, 3 French Hens, 2 Turtle Doves, And A Partridge. No room for the Pear Tree. Do NOT use those for cooked broccoli ~ Wphew !!