I have almost 50,000 miles on these tires. The tires are wearing evenly but since the tread depth in the center of the tire is much greater than the outside tread, the outside tread is down to nothing. The center still measures 4/32. My questions are: 1) will this affect wet performance, such as hydroplaining, 2) will the tire be subject to weakness on the edges, 3) what are the chances that Goodyear will consider the tire worn-out and honor the 80,000 mile tread warranty eventhough there is pleanty of remaining tread in the center. I know there are experts out there that have either experienced this issue or know someone who has. Thanks for your help.
My Integrity tires wore in this (underinflation) pattern even though I kept the inflation pressure at 40/38 or higher. If you follow the Toyota recommended pressures of 35/33 it will happen even faster. So far I have not heard anyone comment on getting an overinflation pattern (worn in center, ok on edges). It is always underinflation.
1 & 2) yes, if the outside tread is worn out, then certainly your car will suffer from low traction including hydroplaning. 3) you'll need to visit your Goodyear tire dealer and find out. They might not honor the warranty on the basis that the tires were underinflated. However, whether the warranty is honored or not, it sounds like you need new tires.
Knowing that other people have had the same proble ios comforting and yes I HAVE been running at 42-40 (front-back). I'm curious, it sounds from your replies that this is not unique to a particular brand of tire. Any thoughts on that? Does anyone have a recommendation as to a tire which has more tread depth on the edges and performs well. I'm not knocking the performance of the Assurance TripleTred. They were great but do expect better wear than 50k. Thanks for your input.
Tire wear on the outside rather than the middle of the tire (with proper inflation) may be due to cornering the car at higher speeds. We all hate to slow down in the turns to promote our momentum and MPG, but the tire edges tend to 'roll under' the tread while cornering. With side slipping of the tires in the turns, outer tire tread tends to scuff off.