Alright, who was the genius that designed the placement of the USB receptacle in the Prius??? Is there any training about how to attach the device. Oh, it's my hands, there too big. Finally, I went around and entered the car via the passenger door, was able to poke the device into the receptacle. This is ridiculous! Max
I totally agree. There is almost no way for a driver to open the flap, hold it back and place the USB plug in the socket without getting into the passenger seat as you suggested. After I was finally able to attach it, it doesn't work on my iPod. It charges it but does not do anything else. I'm using the AUX instead. What a waste!
yeah, I agree and have commented on it before- another thing I think was lame about the implementation was the fact that its' on the BOTTOM of a tray...a tray that's likely, over time, to collect dust and debris. I can see problems with dirt getting into the usb/aux port. Would have made a lot more sense to place it on a sidewall in the compartment, forward not aft. "what were they thinking?!?"
I plug my 160gb iPod in to the USB port with the supplied Apple cable and leave it alone unless I need to sync it. I like that it is out of the way and out of sight. The USB cable stays plugged in when I unplug the iPod. It seems that everyone either loves or hates the USB integration with the Prius. I know I'm in the minority, but I love it.
That's good, and I think I'll get a USB extender cable as someone suggested. The question is if I insert the extender cable I should probably put a piece of tape over the RCA receptacle, correct? I prefer not to spend any money with Apple. They haven't had a new idea since the Mac! Yet they spend millions trying to convince the public that any idea had to come of Apple. Thanks, Max PS Tomorrow is a week and I'm already up to 450 miles.
How do you find the USB port in a 2010 Prius? Pour just one teaspoon of coffee into the center console. Where the coffee end up, that's where the port is.
Really? You love the USB integration? That's the first I've heard of anyone LOVING it. I've heard people who have come up with workarounds so that it is passable, I love the IDEA of having USB integration (I even waited to purchase my vehicle until they came with usb), and I can even deal with the awkward placement of the USB port, but the scrolling mechanism and compatibility issues have rendered the USB integration in my car useless. I haven't used it since the first week I had the car. TOYOTA!!! ARE YOU LISTENING?!!!
Didn't Apple just revolutionize the smartphone industry with the iPhone? I think that was pretty original, since now there are hundreds of pale imitations of it.
The USB port is awkward to use, so I just bought a spare cable and leave it connected. That should also help to keep lint and other junk out of the USB port. This connection does work with my newer iPod Touch but not with an older "classic" style. What really frosted me was that the accessory iPod connection in the glove compartment did not work. Well, it worked, sort of, but sent a signal to the XM sattelite unit, so the outcome was like an old AM radio playing two stations at once, both badly. A small "Owner's manual / Interface Kit for iPod" does say that "Note: With the Interface Kit installed, Satellite Radio use is not possible." The dealer didn't know that and is, apparently, going to remove the interface kit and refund some of its cost. How Toyota could have botched this up is head-slapping.
probably because they didn't want the driver messing with it?.. have the passenger set it. so the driver can drive?... i know.. pre driving setup.. but still. it's like the "I agree"... sure.. they could have made it so you hit map button twice to agree.. but no.. you "had" to touch the screen. (my screen is broken, so i can't agree anymore) zamiam.. you obviously have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to apple. welcome to priuschat though.. we'll discuss that further in another post.
btw.. USB is a last minute thing added.. mainly PROBABLY due to priuschat request... just a hunch plus... its probably not Toyota.. it's probably Panasonic or jbl making this possible. (id assume Panasonic).. soooo.. dealers and service techs have to learn which "easter eggs" Panasonic made.
I am so sorry to pop your bubble, but there where many smartphones on the market when the iPhone showed up. And this just shows you the power of marketing! Apple convinces everyone that a) they created the smartphone and b) they created the "app". Apple's modus is to make the same stuff available at a higher price and convinces people to make those purchases. Go back to the "mouse" and the Mac. Apple and the follows will go to their grave thinking Apple created the mouse and GUI. I am also to inform you that both were created by XPARC. Later, Max
No, there were a lot of HTC models, touch operated, years before iPhone. Apple just added what they know very well - marketing.
I got the usb kit from Prius Chat and installed it. The box was panasonic. I use a usb cable to extend it so I can plug my usb memory stick in easily. The scrolling through folders is really slow, but I have 185 folders.
Max, You need to read better. No where in the above quote did the poster say that Apple invented the smartphone- in fact he mentioned they revolutionized the smartphone industry- which means there was ALREADY a smartphone industry in place to revolutionize! Let me repeat, he said they REVOLUTIONIZED it with the iPhone- which they did. You anti-Apple people need to get off your anti-apple high horses and stop the apple attack at any (incorrectly perceived) opportunity. For the record, I don't own a Mac but I do own an iPhone. It has revolutionized how I use my phone. Apple is a LOT about marketing, sure, what successful company isn't? But, their products are genuinely good products that don't merit the attack they get from a lot of people.
Max is in Washington State, could be a Microsoft employee and thus is legally compelled to spew out anti-Apple propaganda.