Allocations were supposed to have been posted at 9AM yesterday for Gulf States shipments. I'm trying not to annoy my dealer more than twice a month, so has anybody here heard anything? Manny in TX Picante #9 Day 94
I just heard yesterday that I had moved up from #3 to #2 on my un-named rural Tx dealership where I plunked down a $200 deposit. That tells me he got (1) in April after a stunning (2) car delivery in March. Speaking of Gulf States - is everyone in Gulf States region getting stuck with that $900+ port package of #$%#. I told the dealer to catch it coming off the boat and don't let them install a pinstripe, sticker, and other junk for $900, but he said he has little control. I'm tempted to go to New Mexico to avoid the ridiculous stuff that Gulf States pulls. I'll pay the MSRP, but not for something that I don't want or need. Paul
What is this GST port package that you mentioned? I should be picking up my Prius in Houston this week. I don't remember pinstriping being part of anything I ordered, and I ordered everything. Are you sure that this is really a GST option and not something that the dealer is just saying is a GST option (I've had that happen before). If you can be more specific, I can probably find out the answer (my sister works for GST). BTW, my VIN was assigned on April 1st and it takes about two weeks for the vehicles to make it out of the GST processing center in Houston, so there may be some more vehicles available starting this week.
AH, the GST value added package.. I do not know the offical name of the port added package... this is one of the very reasons I went to Carson Toyota, Carson , Ca to get my car... Some of the GST dealer are eating the cost...but with the car in such high demand... why should they... I can see now... don't want the pkg, get the call, go down there and see the extra $$$ package... say I won''t pay for this... get informed that there is X on the waiting list, and bet one of those will. Note: If I remember correctly GST Dist is not Toyota owned/run and is a privtely run/owned (I was told the reason for this), and can do just about anything the Market will bear they want... I think my car came from the LA region, run by Toyota... When I called to conferm my order (long story). I told them why a Texan was going to get their car from Carson, Ca... I told them I as GST and he said, "Oh them". I was told that I was not the only GST person going out of region because the "extra" addons. But, NM would be a good choice. At xmas time Hobbs Toyota and already sold two.. and might have a short list..
I think you are correct. They are not owned by Toyota and do what they please. wkoteras you could do us all a favor and find out from your sister what the magic words and phrases are to get them to leave off the package. I've told my dealer that if he can't get them to leave the package off I'll take my $900 and go to New Mexico for a car, then install an awesome sound system and still have money left in my pocket. The package has been refered to as the "extra mile port package B" and includes Rear Bumper Protector, RS3200 Plus Security Syst, Custom Tape Stripe, Wheel Locks, Road Hazard Tire Warranty, + Extra Mile Extended Life Tires. All this for $930.
GST is indeed not owned by Toyota. Going through their website ( doesn't force those packages on you, so I'm not sure what the dealer is talking about, but I'll ask my sister about not getting the Extra Mile Packages.
GST does not force that this or any other package be added on at the port. The dealers order them from GST this way. Talk to your dealer.
I spoke to my sister today and Joel is correct. GST does not force any packages on anyone ordering a Prius. They do, however, add popular packages to cars sent to dealers that were not specifically ordered by a customer. So, if I were you, I'd order the vehicle online and have it sent to your local dealer (if you still trust him). BTW, why didn't you name the dealer?
My dealer also got only one Prius for the early April allocation (Vandergriff Toyota in Arlington). I'm number 5 on the waiting list after being #14 on Jan 8th. Although he isn't sure yet, he says the "buzz" (his words, not mine) is that the April 18 allocation for Gulf states is going to be noticeably larger. We'll see if my Picante BC package is on that boat.
I was just kidding about not naming the dealer - adding a little mystery to the process. Last month I called and e-mailed about 30 dealers in TX, NM, and OK. Toyota of Longview had the shortest list. I got in at #3. He only asked for a $200 deposit and he took the time to answer my questions. I'm now #2 on the list. I think the Gulf States problem stems from the fact that Toyota is probably not actually taking orders. I think they are just trying to match up cars available with the requests. This is how people looking for a #3 can jump ahead of someone on the list holding out for a #9. Since I was flexible with a couple of color choices and packages, the dealer thinks Gulf States will pop on the port package then send the cars to him. Again, it's not really a specific order from me - I'm just in the pool. I've checked the Toyota ship schedule and I now call the dealer and tell him to see what's coming and ask them NOT to put the port package on one that matches my choices. If it turns out to be an issue I'll head to NM and pick up one. One of the dealers there even mentioned that they get their cars via Denver and they don't ever put all the add-ons like Gulf States does. Hobbs, NM had a silver #7 sitting on the lot about a month ago at MSRP + $500.
I picked mine up on Friday. It had arrived at the dealer (Joe Myers) on Monday, but I was out of town and unable to pick it up until Friday. I'm guessing that most of the other dealers would have received theirs last week as well. My contact at the dealer said that someone had come in that week, offering $4000 over sticker for a Prius. -Wade