Still haven't seen information here about how invoice prices will change with the $400 MSRP increase effective about the end of January. Anyone have that information? Anyone have that information who's willing to say at this point? Matters less to me than it used to, since I bought my Gen III in Nov., but I think it would be very useful to those who are thinking about buying soon.
The new invoice price hasn't been released yet. I won't see that for a few days, maybe a week. My guesstimate would be an increase of $360-$370.
Thanks. That would seem much higher as a percentage of MSRP than in October. I understand that the $400 MSRP increase for the II-level Prius was matched with only a $150 Invoice increase then.
I would have to check on past cars, but I don't remember it being that way... I'll keep an eye out on it once they tell us and let you know.
Prius II late Dec delivery has a base MSRP of $22400.00 Prius II early Feb delivery has a base MSRP of $22800.00 Dealer invoice increases by $364.00 from Dec. delivery to Feb delivery. The invoice increase on the first price increase in Oct was $150.00
Thanks! Really interesting. Looks like slightly different business strategies behind the October and January increases.
i placed a pref order in mid-oct, and i'm getting delivery of my car next week (the car came in late dec/january to the dealer). at that time, the msrp quoted by the dealer was 23000 (for trim III). what can i expect the dealer to charge - 23,000 as quoted or 23,400 or 23,800? i am ok with 23,400 but not with 23,800 since the car already came into dealership late december/early jan.
All you folks in America can thank your lucky stars you don't live in Scotland as the price of the 2010 basic gen III T3 Prius has went up £1000.00 since last year. If I want a 2010 bare T3 with Orion blue metallic paint I am going to have to pay £19,912.00. Yes, that is in pounds Sterling. In American Dollars ( $32,084.21 ). What's worse is that all of the dealers here are barred from offering any new car discounts ( by Toyota ) on the Prius while they are pushing the Yaris etc' very heavily with 3.5% finance while the Prius is on fixed 9.9% finance. One would think that they don't want to sell any Prius hybrids in Britain - and especially in Scotland.
You have to look at the deal you made--Is it for a fixed price, or is it for whatever the price is when you get the car? I'm guess ing that you have an order form or something that you both signed off on. I remember that when a dealer offered to order a car for me, the deal would have been based on the future price--but it's not clear to me that this was universal practice among Toyota dealers. All the reports on PC, and my own experience, say that MSRP on a given car's sticker is based on the price the day the car is unloaded at its port of entry to the US. (Not sure about elsewhere in the world). So, since you know the car was here by Dec., its sticker should be no more than 23,400.
Depends on when the car hit the ground. If it hit the ground before January 18th, it won't have the price increase. If you PM me dealer you bought from along with the color, I can tell you the exact MSRP.
what a surprise! i got delivery of the car today itself. I went there to get the purchase order for my loan but the loan from Chase (through the dealer) was cheaper than my bank. So, I got everything done albeit a bit hurriedly (it was past closing time when i got delivery). Anyway, the dealer gave me the out-the-door price quoted (based on $23,000 MSRP) when i ordered the car. The window sticker had the $400 increase ($23,400). This $400 savings should partly offset the loss in sales tax deduction had I gotten delivery in Dec. Totally, I got $900 off MSRP. My guess is they have some Priuses sitting on the lot, and they sell less than MSRP nowadays.