Indeed! Was he being serious when he said he has to wait 7 months to do a new show? I guess it would be wishful thinking to hope for anything sooner anyway
This Team COCO member will follow him to where ever he goes next. I think that he is one of the funniest guys on TV now. I heard that his ratings have never been better.
TEAM COCO! NBC is screwed now. I hope jay fails in the ratings. Personally I will boycott any sponsors for jay's show. I never did like his show.
For a guy like me who goes to bed early, The Jay Leno Show at 10pm was great. I stayed up for the monologue and then went to bed. The drama's and news magazine shows at 10pm bore me after a while.
I'll just say that I'm not a Conan fan, never really have been. But I've watched him quite a lot b/c he happened to be the best available choice at that time. I didn't think he fit the audience of the Tonight Show time slot (old farts like me). That said, I don't think he got treated fairly, nor do I think he was given long enough to win over the audience. I think they should have kept him on for 2 years...and putting Leno on just before Conan set Conan up to fail. I don't think anyone should boycott, if you didn't like Leno before, fine, but you can't blame Leno for not really wanting to was just a poor decision to set a timeline to leave so far ahead. I think Conan's gonna be fine, he'll end up somewhere, maybe taking over for the ever downward spiraling David Letterman, I don't know, but he'll be fine and much richer in the end.
I'm more of a Leno fan, but rarely watch him at 10 because someone else owns the only household TV at that time. My understanding is that Leno is quite profitable for the network, because its low cost more than offsets its low audience. But it is bad for the affiliates because it lacks the draw of the normal dramas, which the affiliates count on to be too lazy to switch channels for the late news. They are the ones who forced NBC to pull Leno from the 10 pm slot. And since Conan hadn't built up the size of audience that Leno has, ... NBC's real problem is lack of competitive programming for prime time. But I don't really care. Most modern TV is poisonous to the brain, destructive to the wallet, damaging to happiness by unrealistically raising expectations, and a serious waste of time. I'm not against wasting time, just rather do it somewhere else -- like surfing the web.
I am a huge Conan O'Brien fan, but for fans to "worry" about Conan and feel sorry for him is ridiculous because the guy is set for life and will have no problem finding new work. In that respect, people should worry more about themselves and their own problems. However, I think that much of the "worry" comes from the fact that we simply won't get to watch him for seven months, and the feeling that we need his entertainment in our lives. That I can understand. But trust me, September will be here before you know it.
I wish Conan well. I feel that he will do well in the future. However, I must say that my all time favorite late night guy was Johnny Carson. We all have our preferences and I feel that Johnny was the master.