I have an '08 Prius Touring with package 3. It's time for me to get a new cell phone, and I'm seriously considering a Motorola Droid. I'm aware that the Droid doesn't support voice commands over bluetooth, but does it support use of the speed dials that I have set up in my Prius? I called the dealership where I bought the Prius, and they could only tell me that the phone would pair with the car. Toyota.letstalk.com said that the phone is simply incompatible with the Prius. This will be the dealbreaker for me. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!!
The lightbulb went off over my head early this afternoon. My boss got a Droid the beginning of the week, so I went over to his house to do a test. I took his Droid out to the car, and it paired without a hitch. Then I tested one of the speed dials, and it worked perfectly! I hope this will help any Prius owners who are considering getting an Android phone but are concerned about the bluetooth connectivity. Now I have to let toyota.letstalk.com know that they were very wrong about the Droid being incompatible with the 2nd Gen Prius. Oh, BTW, off I went to the Verizon Wireless store and got my own Droid. Yay!!!
Was just searching for info about Droid and Prius bluetooth compatibility and saw this thread and forum. Do you still like the Droid with the Prius?I have the Prius 2008 w/nav and want to switch my phone to iPhone or Droid but compatibility with my Prius is number 1 on list of must haves. Thanks for feedback on how you like it.
Well, just got the Droid yesterday, but so far so good. I can make speed dial calls from the Prius, which was my major concern. If you can do without voice dialing over bluetooth, this is a great phone in every other aspect. The display is excellent, and the phone is very fast and responsive. If you like Verizon Wireless and aren't "married" to Windows, IMHO this is the best smart phone they have.
I got a Droid last week, but my car is a base model and doesn't have BT. I wonder how difficult it would be to add, if I could get the parts...
Also the Droid has built in "Voice Search" through Google (comes with the Droid) so with one press of the touch screen you just say "Call Ric" and the phone will auto dial Ric and then it connects through the Prius just like normal. Just thought I would toss that info. out there since it hadn't been mentioned yet. Viro
Got my Droid, what a toy/tool.....works quite nicely with my 08. I also like the feature, when I am away from the car, I can turn the Bluetooth OFF and save battery. Love the Apps, so far my favoite App is the abiity to isten to ALL the major Police and Fire agencies here in Los Angeles, specifically Glendale PD and Verdugo Fie which service my area. This week, with El Nino, I also like the Dopplar App!!! I have had 8 inches pour on my home since it started raining here on Sunday