Nobody wants to donate their Prius to Haiti? You realize the first person to say yes will have 1000 years good luck!
no they have no roads to drive it and even planes cant land all my clothes yes,,,, I like being naked.
Sounds like a plan: displace a Prius sized, relief supply load on an air transport fly it to the airport at Haiti drive it up and down streets transporting relief supplies A Prius is the wrong tool for the job. Bob Wilson
Who came up with the fairy tale of 1000 years good luck?? Like I'm 53 what good is 1000 years?! Does the good luck include living that long, can I take my family with me, what about friends?? Macmaster you've messed with the threads of time and fortune
They'd be better off with bicycles, wheelbarrows, mules, donkeys, or horses. They can manage those things. They don't need computer controlled cars with a six inch clearance.