Good ol' RI, now with unemployment at 12.9%, only behind Michigan. Why are all the neighboring states below 10%? RI has beautiful beaches...that's it!!! Everything else sucks in this state. The roads are ranked 49th out of the 50 states. We are #2 in unemployment figures. Our taxes are among the highest. Our auto insurance is among the highest. We pay huge property taxes every year for our vehicles. Property taxes for our homes are double that of some southwestern states. The list goes on.....
Aha! We have the common connection. When people in RI figure this out, you're gonna be in BIG trouble. Tom
I'm working on it. Priority now is for my daughters to graduate from high school in the same town they grew up in.
Yes but you have the charming independent country of Petoria to visit! As well as Pawtucket Pat beer! * These are references associated with the television show "Family Guy"
Hmmmm... did you ever read the story about typhoid Mary Bra... you could be the reason... IT COULD BE THAT WHERE-EVER YOU GO THAT STATE WILL HAVE A DOWNTURN OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.... Probably not... (But just in case, will you stay back east... we have enough problems out here already)
We could send you our cousin....every time he has changed jobs over the last 10 years or so the company goes out of business. I'm surprised people still hire him!!