Well, we dodged the bullet this time here in Mobile AL but I'm worried about the next big blow. I had my Prius parked in an open field heading in a NE direction after guessing which way the wind would be blowing. Luckily, we only got tropical force winds! We left the shelter when Dennis was well inland & even though we had some wind gusts, a lot of attention was required when driving home down I10. I've been thinking about the next big blow especially if we get some pretty high winds. I know that the Prius would probably survive if headed in the right direction, but what if I'm headed in the wrong direction? The car will probably be blown away because of it's light weignt. Maybe I can rig up some tie downs similar to what they use for mobile homes! Choice#1 Don't worry and let the Insurance take care of it. #2 Drive out of town in the opposite direction of the storm but I don't like to get too far from home #3 Find a good strong garage to park the Prius and drive one of my heavier cars. #4 Trade the Prius for a Humvee NO NO NO. Any suggestions? or has anyone had a similar situation? Thanks
I'd say that if you have enough wind to blow your prius away, you should be worried more about debris damage. Like maybe a dozen or so tree branches accelerated to 100+ mph into you car. Personally, I would rather have the car outright totaled than merely dented all to hell. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to park it next to a row of dying trees if you know it's going to take category 4 or 5 winds. Then you could get a brand new shiny one.
I don't know what our definition of light with regard to vehicles is, however the Prius is ~ 2,900 lbs. That isn't a light vehicle.
Last fall, my Prius just sat out in a parking lot for 2 hurricanes---it got washed really well and that's it. Even the strongest hurricane force winds usually can't pick up a car that weighs over 3,000 pounds. I would be more worried about inland tornadoes that are spawned off of hurricanes---those can definitely pick up a Prius and kick it around like a tin can. There is not much you can do to prepare for those. I wish you luck this hurricane season---I know I'll be keeping my eyes peeled.
i hope you arent seriously considering #3... you are scaring me a bit here. "drive a heavier car?" if that will instill a bit of recklessness in you, i sincerely hope you dont choose that option. what heavier car?? your M1A1 tank? i would find an underground parking area, leave the car there and stay in the car
Rent a post hole digger with a 18" diamter bit. Drill down 3-5 feet at the front and back of the Prius. Fill the holes with concrete and an eye bolt type anchor that extends to the bottom. Chain your Prius down. This is how I installed posts for our 6 foot high fence that withstands 70mph gusts every winter.
Floyd, your name is appropriate for this thread title. I lived in Florida when Hurricane Floyd was coming right for us and we had to evacuate (he veered north at the last hour). I vote to put the Prius in a garage.
I just test drove a Prius this weekend and it in no way felt like a light vechile. I don't think you have to worry about your Prius blowing away.