Amazon has a bosch icon wiper blades which have a 15 dollar rebate if you buy two. Here is the "sizer" Amazon Part Finder Happy motoring!
I heard that when purchasing Icon wiper blades, you can upsize a bit. Is that true? Anyone know the limit?
Has anyone else participated in this rebate? I mailed my submission Dec 28 and the rebate processor's website shows they haven't received a submission from me. I filled out their contact form asking why my submission isn't showing up as received or anything. Being a veteran of dozens of rebates, I have copies of everything, so I am ready to duke it out if necessary. @mfduffy If you search the forum a bit, there are reports of people upsizing from 26" to 28".
Thanks -- I did later find the 26-->28 suggestions on the driver's side. Sounds like folks have stuck with 18 for the passenger, though. (not as big of a deal, anyway, I suppose) It sure looks like the passenger might accommodate a 19in, but barely. If anyone tries it with the Bosch Icons, please post.
I went with the 19in (419A) on the passenger side. Yes, it works. Unfortunately, my 428A for the driver's side has a flaw about 3in from the end that leaves a fine bead of water. I ordered on Amazon and will have to reorder and return. Annoying -- and it's weird because you cannot see any imperfections. It only takes the smallest little pit, I guess.