The organic industry is not without blame either. There is a lot of misleading advertising about organic being better for you, tasting better, etc., when many of the products being marketed are no better than common supermarket produce. Once again, let the buyer beware. Tom
The sad truth is, animals raised for food are not legally "animals"... they are a commodity. Animal cruelty laws that protect your dog and cat do not apply to animals raised for food. It is also a very sad truth that the people that work in factory farm situations, and in the processing plants and slaughterhouses, are often "marginal" workers - i.e., illegal aliens, undocumented workers, or poorly educated workers. The working conditions are brutal, the injuries and occupational illnesses suffered by them are devasting. It isn't just the animals you are saving by not buying that stuff. On a related note, humans that eat animals are NOT predators, nor are they strictly carnivores. They are necrovores - eating carrion [or, maybe scavengers which eat dead things or detritus (detritivores)]. If you think about it, we (not me, of course, but humans) don't rip living animals to shreds, like predators do. We eat carefully preserved dead carcasses. Ever buy "aged beef"? um, that's a dead cow that's been hanging around for awhile, getting more and more rotted. Plants generally have it built into them that they must be eaten for the seed to be released and spread around. I absolutely refuse to even entertain the vegan-baiting comments about plants having feelings - even when those comments come from my friends whom I otherwise love dearly. I don't watch these sorts of videos, usually, as I do not want to become desensitized to the issue. Too much of these, and it's like too many violent movies - pretty soon, you are immune to the horror of it all.