I'd like to remove the hybrid badges from the driver and passenger sides of my Package V. Since by definition the Prius is a hybrid, they seem kind of redundant. Anyway, I could use some help with the following: 1. Does anyone know if there are holes behind the badges or just 2-way tape? Since I don't want to get into body work, it's a show-stopper if there are holes there. 2. What is the best way to remove the badges? I think I remember seeing something about using dental floss. Thanks in advance for the help.
Yes, there are holes behind the badges. Both the side hybrid ones and on the rear as well. I don't remember a thread showing the holes behind the side hybrid emblems, but there is a thread where people who began taking them off said there were holes so they stopped. One person even broke the emblem trying to get it off. here's a thread showing the holes on the rear of the car: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ed-my-2010-prius-today-look-what-i-found.html My friend used fishing string to get his off his 300C 2 years ago and it worked fine. Just had to polish the area afterward. Some people use dental floss as well.