I'm pinching one of Nikki's photos here: From top to bottom: Brake light Indicator/hazard flasher Reversing light (Outside) Tail light/(Inside) Fog light Retro-reflector My 2008/57 registration car is nearly the same, except that from 2006 onward, the separator between lamps in the cluster is silver, and the brake light housing is colourless, not smoked. Oh, and mine is badged T3, not T4. The car in the picture is an early 2004. (My car is the same blue colour - I believe Toyota GB call it 'Glacier Blue' - as Nikki's partner's car.) Prius boot excavations! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!. I've occasionally seen Japanese cars retrofitted with rear fog lamps, but most cars intended for original sale in the UK are designed to incorporate them.
One side will be for the plug in slot for my add on batteries. The other side will be for power out to my LCD TV for football tailgating at Va Tech! :cheer2: The front grill block insert will be a back and forth glowing red eye with sound effects for the blind (gov't rebate for that?) - after all this thing was made by the Cylons therefore it is a Cylon (battlestar galactica theme plays here....)
I was thinking kazoos mounted in the vacant fog light holes. This may satisfy the "bell the Prius" crowd! Seriously, let's come up with something really practical. So far I like the reflector button idea but I'm having trouble visualizing what that would look like to oncoming traffic. Lee
I never used my fog lights in my Gen2 other than for daytime running lights. So I got some LED truck lights for $22 at Napa, which don't draw much extra juice.
How about 'deer screechers' --- those things that emit a high frequency sound that (supposedly) alarms and diverts deer (with low IQs) from running across highway and into your car (It happens a lot here in New England).