I have a Droid and a 2008 Prius (Pkg 3) I just completed the system updte for the Droid (Dec 10, 2009) and was expecting to be able to trnsfer/updte the phonebook in the car. There is no method on the Droid to initiate the transfer. Anyone found a fix?
I have a 2005 Prius, just bought a couple od Droids, and uploading is a no-go. I stupidly downloaded a free bluetooth ftp app and now the damn phone will not connect to the car at all... (*#&#% !!!
I also want to know how to transfer contacts from my droid to my 2004. It's the top of the line package, so bluetooth and all that.
I got lucky, I had Verizon transfer all the contacts from the old EnV, to the new Droid, and all I did was delete Bluetooth access for EnV, add Droid, still had ALL my contacts in Prius Memory, eveything works fine.... Too bad the cell site that services the Netwok Lot where I work ABSOLUTLY SUCKS. I personally have started 6 trouble tickets noting the poor service, then complaining, ascending to bitching etc., about the lack of usable signal stregnth. We all have to walk outside to make a call. Also note when a cellphone can not hear the cell site, it goes into constant hunt and transmit mode killing the battery in about 3 hour, while tuning the Droid into a really nifty HOT HAND WARMER... Then they first cop out with "We do not guarantee service inside a structure or building. Only to be followed by a call from a "Manager" stating "Well yes, we took RF Level measurements. We found that they are indeed low in your area, but "WE HAVE NO PLANS TO FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!" How's that for BALLS......... Funny part is, The folk I work for just jumped from another povider to Verizon for their corporate service .. now Boss A can't call Manager B can't call Worker Bee C! I turned over all my trouble ticket info to the BIG DOGS! Feces are a goin to be hittin the rotary oscillator...... All I want is to do is play with my Droid when I am at my desk, or any other location on the lot!!! Go Figure.....
I tried but still no phonebook transfer. I read about an application that can be downloaded into the Droid from the Market under Apps, (free). I tried that but still no success. Any hints? New at this.
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-.../77554-phone-book-transfer-mot-karma-qa1.html only one at a time
I have an HTC Droid Incredible - I have it paired with my 2008 Prius, but it will not connect - any suggestions????? Thanks! Jo
i have a 2008 prius and just successfully uploaded my phonebook. I downloaded Astro file manager (free) and went to sdcard where i found a file ending in .vcf which i pressed and held. then i pushed send and then picked blue tooth. I tried for five weeks before the verison tech person found this for me. good luck