Hi Everyone, I picked up my new 2010 III today - Barcelona Red Just want to thank everyone for all of the very informative info which helped influence my decision. Bob
The color is Barcelona Red - Prius III - no package Wanted the navigation but was difficult to find on a III in the NY area - I would have had to go up to the IV which was out of my price range. I will start reading the manuals shortly - have a lot to learn. Thx, Bob
Welcome to the Prius club. I have mine 2010 for about two months now and am enjoying every moment while driving in it. There is no perfect car in the real world. I am sure you will find something you like and dislike as you go along. In general, you'll find it a very enjoyable car.
I am enjoying the ride so far. can anyone recommend a lumbar support? I have a herniated disc and requires additional support. The IV which has lumbar was out of my price range. Thx Bob