Well I guess I've not done too badly. It took four months (since late June) but I finally join the ranks of those of you who have walked away and left the Prius running. My neighbor called at 11:30 last night and said he'd seen my car 'lit up' on the inside, walked over and saw 'the screen' awake. So, I went out and powered thee thing down. Called him back to thank him and said - "by the way, you do know it was RUNNING with you standing next to it?". He said "I'll never get used to that freaky thing" Terry
That's the beauty with SE/SS, I never really walk away with it on. I have probably at least a dozen times or more hit the button to lock it and have the Prius beep at me. Then I realized that I left the car on.
SE/SS I've got... I also have high frequency hearing loss from too much loud music in the 80's. The beep is all but useless unless there is no traffic noise around.
I must be unusual; I have a 2005 and have never left mine on. Of course, now that I have bragged on myself, I will leave it on tomorrow.
I have done this twice now (once for 3 days while on a vaction. went from 54mpg to 30mpg and droped 2 bars off gas gauge) each time when my bronco was at a idle.
My garage is under my house I left my 2008 Prius running, the next morning I get ready for work and I find my Prius running. Why i didn't die in my sleep from the exhust gas is a question i can't answer. I now have a check list before I go to bed i.e. dryer not running, Prius not running, etc.
Modern pollution controls have sharply reduced the deadly CO emissions. This has been so effective that some years ago we were hearing of failed suicide attempts in closed garages, because the air did not get sufficiently poisonous. But don't depend on this to be 100% effective. Do keep checking to make sure it is turned off.
Last year I had one of my workers drop me and my daughter off at the airport with my Prius(child seat installed). When I came back, he left it on!!! 3 days, and my MPG was in the 30's and still had a quarter tank of gas!!! Gotta love it
Get in the habit of *always* locking the car when you park it; the car will warn you if something is amiss.
Didn't really notice the date until you pointed it out. Still relevant, though. After reading similar posts I got into the habit of hitting the exterior door lock, even when in my own garage. There have been at least a half dozen times I would have left it running if I didn't.
I'm still doing the "I haven't left it running yet" dance. :high5: :dance: But I have let someone drive off with it ... on a 45 mile round trip ... with the sks fob in MY pocket. hwell:
Whike that feature has saved me a dozen times, I forgot to both lock it and turn it off just recentl. Took me 32 months, but i still managed to leave it running for 40 minutes when I came back from the store.