I am selling my 2007 Barcelona Red Pearl/gray leather Touring edition with Package 6! It has 29,738 miles on it and is in excellent condition. I just had the 30k service done, and put brand new Yokohama tires on it two weeks ago! It also has the door side moldings installed. I am asking $18,500 for it. The car is located in Portland, OR. Thanks! Doug
Ok Prius experts, I haven't gotten any bites on the car yet here or on Craigslist. Am I asking too much? Any advice?
That's one sweet looking Prius! I live in Beaverton, and have a 2007 Package Two, Barcelona red. I don't think it's too much, but I haven't looked at KBB.
Hi Dsmith, I am in Vancouve Wa. and am in the market for a GenII but your price is out of my range. I only have about $10K and expect to find a 2004 or 2005 with around 100,000 miles. I wish I could afford this. Good luck with your sale. Thanks, Dan2l
no its not too much. we have 2006's package 4's with 50,000 miles going for 18K so yours would be about right. i think its the 10% unemployment and tighter credit that is the real culprit
Are you interested in a swap? I've got a 2006 Civic Hybrid (a deep graphite blue color, forget what it's called) with ~19,000 miles on it. My wife likes my Prius better so a swap would be awesome for me. Why are you selling it? If you're not into a swap, do they have CarMax up in Portland? Take it there and have it appraised for free. They tend to give better deals than a dealer trade-in, though perhaps not as much as private party sales. But they guarantee they'll buy it at the price they quote.
I'm not interested in a swap, but thanks for the offer! I am selling it because my monthly payments are more than I'd like to handle right now. We do not have CarMax in Portland, unfortunately. There are plenty of shady used car dealerships that claim to buy cars, but I'm sure their offering price would be a bit less than what I would like to get. Doug
Looks like the closest CarMax is here in Roseville. You might give them a call and see if they'll give you a ballpark estimate over the phone. If it's close, it may be worth a 9 hr drive to get rid of it fast and hassle free.
hey doug, not sure how much you trust ebay market value, but $18,500 is a bit higher than other similar year/mileage for sale. hope that helps in your sale and not trying to thread crap!
Thanks for the reply. I just searched eBay and couldn't find a single Touring model on there, let alone a Touring Package 6! I found one that they labeled as "Touring," but it most definitely is not. Can you possibly provide me with some links? Thanks, Doug
Doug, to be honest, I do not know the differences between Touring and non-touring and I'm not sure if many of the ads even clarify what packages they have (they usually just list the individual options). What you can do, however, is type in $18,500 (for example) as a high price point and then just sort from most expensive. You'll see what your competition is (like this one: Toyota : Prius:eBay Motors (item 260493973646 end time Jan-18-10 01:09:35 PST)) and then maybe you can adjust your price accordingly. Again, hope that helps, and I'm by no means an expert!
Hey Doug, Not sure if you have sold your Prius yet, but I was in the same predicament as yourself (trying to sell a car in this market) and had to put mine on ebay. I wanted 16,500 on here and had to sell it for 14,000. Maybe location has something to do with it as well, as I am located in Columbia, SC....probably not a huge Prius market. Regardless, my car was a 2007 Gray, Package 5, with 64,000 on it. Hope this helps with the response about ebay. Good Luck.
wtg. it was a very fair price considering it was $10,000 more when new. it not for the bad economy, it would have sold much sooner