I was going to do the work for you... right up until this line. How about we do this the other way, and you find any peer-reviewed study that supports what YOU say? I've got the studies to support my statements. Many of them. I've spent hundreds of hours studying this subject. And my experience is public and easy to find. How about you show me what YOU have? I have found in the past that as soon as I answer these kinds of questions, it turns into a big ol' "you're wrong" fest. And I just don't have the time or desire for that. This isn't arrogance for me. It is just my feeble attempt at keeping it real. I find it surprising that you call yourself an EV fan - a fan "as big as anybody" - and yet you don't seem to even know the basics. What I've got is publicly available. Show me what you've got, and we'll take it from there. Are you saying that there's no energy input into making gasoline? Or is all that energy input 100% efficient, and 100% green? And you do realize that the discussion was about vehicle efficiency, right? This had nothing to do with upstream efficiencies. Ignoring generating efficiencies was pretty much stipulated. But here we are. What have you got?
I bet I'm more efficient after 245 miles. (my attempt at a joke, I know an EV is more efficient) well, that plus I can't afford a tesla roadster. BTW, they dont seem to have any photos of the interior of the Model S. anyone know where interior pics can be found?
Just a Porsche. Not even sure which model, but looked like one of the mid to lower models, carerra or something. I was passed by a Lotus Elise once.
Less arrogance, less posturing. OK, perhaps not a blind one ? IMO EV is a necessary part of the clean energy puzzle as a consumption route, but it does not clean energy make on a grid level. An EV does not magically turn coal green. My second reason for supporting EV is that it encourages domestic energy production, both clean and dirty. However, I am skeptical, but willing to learn otherwise, of the presumption that buying an EV today has immediate green value. I am *positive* that subsidy of EV today is an inefficient use of money. In general, I want national support of clean energy production, and taxes on fossil fuels. Subsidy of personal energy use devices is stupid. On a personal level, spending green dollars on conservation and solar heating beats PV into the dust. That said, I am delighted by people like you who buy PV and EV vehicles as part of the bleeding edge.
On a lighter note. A police car passed me going 100 mph once. Then, to my shock and horror, the police car started to slow down to 45 mph half a mile in front of me. I think the police was under the mistaken impression that I was speeding after he passed me. I slowed down too and promptly exited the highway. All the while, I was driving 55 mph of course.
I did not follow this topic since its nothing but troll bait. But I decided to take a look. Well we got one link back so far. Lets hope they don't start to troll on over here. SMR Forums • View topic - I just died a little inside You can see link backs at the bottom of the topics here. Its a good indicator for this type of a topic to see if we may be getting trolls soon. From what I seen I don't think they will cause a problem yet. Its best just to let this topic die.