We only got two key-fobs and the aluminum tag. Is the "valet key" a typo? The usual reason for a valet key is so the car can be moved about and keep the contents of a trunk secure. But this is a hatchback, there is no trunk. Now I understand the usual process when using valet parking is to give them the fob and get it back later, right? Thanks, Bob Wilson ps. Source:
Where is that quote from? Here's what the owners manual says (and what I got): The following keys are provided with the vehicle. 1. Electronic keys (the accompanying picture shows 2) • Operating the smart key system (→P. 43, 57) • Operating the wireless remote control function (→P. 63) 2. Mechanical keys (the accompanying picture shows 2) 3. Key number plate
I had a couple of keys made for my 06 at Homedepot for $1.99 each, but the 2010 laser cut key is a different story. I want a spare for when I lock my dog in the car with the a/c running, or you may want one for a hide-a-key. There's no other use for a "valet" key in a Prius. Naturally, the dealer wanted $250 per key (they must think everyone is stupid). I found this place on the Internet keysfast.info. I have a wallet key being made from my key tag number on its way to me (from Canada) for $40 ($20 for blank/$20 for cut). They'll also do a regular plastic cap key for the same price.
Bob, Gen II didn't get a Vallet key either. Honestly, we never used the vallet key for Gen I and it usually stayed in our little keybox that was used in a pinch if the other two keys went MIA in the sea of clutter.
I found the valet key reference in the 2010 Maintenance Guide and thought it strange. I figured posting here will get it into the hands of Team Prius as quickly as anything else. From what I can tell, it sounds like the only use of the mechanical key is to get inside if the 12VDC battery dies so we can jump it. The wireless keyfobs are really the vehicle operation key. Bob Wilson
I got the impression from the maintenance guide that it's a Generic Toyota document only partially (and rather incompletely) massaged to fit the Prius. You'll also find several references to towing after the owner's manual states towing is not recommended.
Eglmainz asked me the same question. The Gen II never came with a valet key as there is no use for one like in a typical car given the SKS system. The maintenance guide is a generic guide encompassing all Toyota products.
I saw the same reference and figured typo. I definitely did not get a valet key, and can't think of how that would even be possible for this car.
None of the cars equipped with the Smart Key System will come with a valet key. You get two SK's. If there is a locking glove box, you would lock it using the laser cut key and hand the valet the SK while you hold on to the laser cut key. Then he wouldn't be able to open your glove box.
I didn't even think there was a slot for a physical key with the Prius push start? I know my dads G35 push button has a slot just in case the keyfob fails... If there is a slot, can someone post a picture of where it is?
The Gen IIs have a slot for the key fob, where it can be inserted in the event of a fob battery failure. With the Gen III, you hold the fob up to a magic spot to accomplish the same thing. Tom
There is no slot. If the battery fails on the key fob, the owners manual says to hold it against the power button for a few seconds until a signal is heard, then press the power button.
Though there isn't an ignition slot for a physical key, there is a physical laser cut key inside of every smart key. Just in case your battery gets weak. That way you could still open your door with the physical key.
Maybe a bit off topic, but do any 2010 Prius models (or Gen II's for that matter) have locking glove boxes? The lack of a locking glove box is one of the first things we noticed after we drove off the lot with our Prius III. Does anyone know of any aftermarket options? Thanks, Brian
My Prius V also doesn't have a (I mean 2 ) locking glove box--not that I can remember the last time I felt the need to lock a glove box.
Now that there's a lot more experience: Does everyone agree that the 2010 Prius Warranty and Maintenance Guide that bwilson4web referred to is wrong? Does everyone agree that you are supposed to get two key fobs plus an aluminum tag with your key code on it? Has anyone gotten 3 keys? Thanks.
I didn't get an aluminum tag with ours - did anyone find the tag left elsewhere in the vehicle or were all of yours attached to the key fobs originally?