Hi everybody,great site you have here. I just bought a 08 blue Prius. Love the car so far. I am wondering if anyone knows a part number or when I can order the cover cap for the front bumper. It's the one towards the driver side. Thanx in advance, looking forward to learning more from you guys and gals.
Welcome to Prius Chat. Enjoy your car. I do not own a 2008 like yours so I am not sure what you mean by the cover cap. One of the other Gen II owners will need to answer that for you.
Hello, welcome to Da group!!! The cap you are refering to, is I believe, the cover for the Tow Hitch bar. You can run down to the Toyota dealer and pick one up. They are only a couple of bucks or so. I would call ahead and talk to the parts guys, see if they have one in stock. It just pops in. I also have a 08, "V" LOVE IT!!! Where in CA are you located??? Check in often, you will be amazed at what you can learn out here!!!
I have only had mine for a month. It's a '08 white Prius. I'm waiting for a good snow to take it's picture. It's been pretty cold since we bought it, so we're looking forward to warmer weather to see what kind of MPG's we can get. Love it so far!
Good thing it has BLACK tires so we will be able to see it in the snow......B'rrrrrrrr You didn't get whitewalls did you???? However WELCOME TO DA GROUP!!!
Welcome to the site. A lot of good info and base knowledge here. Use the search function to look for answers or discussions on your subject. As an FYI, you'll find that short trips and cold weather are Prius MPG killers. Again, welcome to PC!!!
Welcome to the group! I was new here, just a few months ago. My baby is a SuperWhite 2008 Prius, so I know what you're talking about. Take a look at the forums, definitely read the stickies, and just try to enjoy yourself. Chuck
Throw me the pic and mark the part in the picture I will get what u need. Send me it on private email on forum iPhone ?