so you got half of what the gave you. Maybe I shouldn't even bother. I'll probably get $100 from a dealer? What about selling it to the used car dealership, just any corner used car dealership. Any chence of getting any better price?
You might be surprised at what they offer you. It's debatable whether my car would be considered "average" or "rough". It's worth asking. If their offer is too low, then you can probably sell it yourself for more. I just didn't want the hassle.
I have a 1990 Camry (with 165k miles on it) that the Prius will replace when I acutally buy it. Dealers never give you very much money for a trade in, so I wouldn't bother on an older car. I have decided to donate my Camry to charity. Even if I don't get much of a deductable, I've decided I'd rather contribute to an organization I believe in than get $500 off a$ 23k car.
I just sold our 95 Camry a month ago when we got our Prius. It had 134K on it and was in pretty good condition. A few dings as you would expect and the vinyl on the center console was split. It needed new tires. I got $3500 for it after only one day in the paper (asking 3900). I got a least another dozen calls on it over the course of the next week.
The topic has switched to trade-in value, but back to the price of the Prius... I ordered a silver #6BC on Saturday from Sterling McCall in Houston after test driving one of the 6 cars they had on the lot. They *really* wanted me to drive off in one that day so by the end they were down to $1000 off sticker and still wondering what it would take to get me to buy it. I stuck out for what I wanted and hopefully it will be here in a few weeks. But with 2006s coming closer and closer, you should be able to start dealing with on-lot inventory.
I picked up my Prius from Priority Toyota in Virginia for MSRP -$800. So I'm happy about the price. Have had it for close to a month, and already have about 2300 miles on it (I REALLY like to drive) :mrgreen: My parents just traded in a 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid for the Prius since they didn't want to wait for the '06 Honda to come out, and put up with wait lists...they just got a Tideland Green #6 for 500 under MSRP...I'm seriously debating trading them my Silver...they wanted a Silver, and I originally wanted a Tideland, they didn't have any Tideland's within 200 miles of me when I bought, and they didn't have any Silvers when my parents bought theirs...have to think about it though. I really like the Silver now Dave.