Got the sirius reciever and the fit kit from toyota parts department. Got it all installed and it wokrs fine. Installed mine under the passenger seat. on the little aluminum stand with the fit kit. The factory antena is just worse thing I ever saw. had to find a better antenna. INstalled right behind the am/fm antena.
Did the install myself. My dealer did not know anything about sirius for prius. They were helpful, and gave me a pdf to install in a camry. The parts from Toyota were the reciever. and the fit kit. Had to toss the toyota antenna, way too bulky and large. My local Toyota parts department, was qouting full retail, around 400 dollars for the parts, spoke with the parts dept mgr, and got them down to 305.00. Still higher, than available online, through the board, but no shipping, and I wanted it now. I am guessing dealer would charge around 500 dollars total parts and labor. Thats if they will do it. Mine did not show sirius as being available for the prius, and wanted to hear back from me, about whether it worked. The job took me about two hours, but thats with a steep learning curve.
My dealership refused to install it for me...claiming they didn't want to assume the liability since it wasn't designed for the Prius. Took it down the street to a local stereo shop where they installed it for $75. However, I need to go back and have them replace the ridiculously large and inefficient antenna that comes with it. It's a triangle roughly the size of a paperback, which they mounted behind the regular antenna. I seem to get drop outs when facing west, oddly enough. The installer said the new ones were significantly smaller, only $50, and he suggested mounting it on the dash board in the center. I may go back this week to get that done. Bruce 2005 Silver BC