After having the Toyota Premium horns installed for a few months, I had to use the horn today in a parking lot. To my surprise, they've become "out of tune"! I am blessed and/or cursed with near perfect pitch, so things like this catch my attention. Further toying once I got home suggests the low tone 400hz (between G and G♯) horn is just fine, but the high tone 500hz horn (between B and C) has gone sharp, more toward 525-530hz (between C and C♯). The separation seems somewhat unnatural after getting used to the original tone. I've attempted to adjust both the outer screw and the center screw (locked by a nut) on the horn, hoping one was for pitch adjustment. I couldn't get more than 5-10hz sharper (and no flatter) before the tone got distorted or stopped playing on the center screw, and the outer screw seemed to be more toward minor volume control. The horn outlet generally aims down, so I'd find it hard to believe anything got in there, but it's a possibility. Anyone else have their horns get out of tune? Any remedy? Should I just live with it?
Please take into account the Doppler affect you will have. You are testing in a fixed position. You need to choose the typical closing speed you have to the 'target'. That is the frequency you should be shooting at... Possibly some kind of sliding scale based on the Prius speed - but I am not aware of a horn with a dynamic adjustment.
The rated tones are standing still. Even if I'm moving, the horns will sound the same to the driver as the driver and horns are both moving at the same speed. Doppler effect only comes into play when two bodies are at different relative speeds, stretching or compressing apparent sound-waves. I even considered warm vs. cold, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either.
I'm sorry - but depending on closing speeds, the tone will sound different. Clearly - you will hear one tone, but the observer will hear a different tone - depending on speeds. Are you worried about the tone you hear - or what others may hear? Personally, i'd be more worried about what others hear - but that's just my opinion... I *really* think you should also worry about the relative humidity - as this will also affect the tone and sound. So now you really need a horn that dynamically can adapt to closing speeds, temperature, and humidity.
Is it under warranty? Perhaps have a dealer look at it? (assuming they've seen this on other Toyotas and thus know how to work one). A horn shouldn't be out of tune regardless unless the 12V battery is low then maybe I can see that happening but clearly this isn't the case.
Tideland - imported using Sigma. These are Japan only accessories. I could ask as they are a OEM part in some places, but they were self-installed. rrollf - most of my horn usage is parking lot - doppler is not an issue. The out of tune is definitely from my perspective, and on only one of the two horn components.
Rick, you must have good ears. I am envious. With my Tinnitus I am lucky if I can tell a B flat from a Flat tire....
Please believe me when I say I mean this as a compliment. I've been often amazed at the detail and depth Prius owners take over even the most relatively mundane utilitarian aspects of their vehicle. I honestly think it's great. I can understand many owners being concerned or taking interest in Horn Tone Quality. However, I don't think you have too many forums where that then translates into a discussion involving exact pitch, Megahertz cycles and doppler effect. In most other forums this is a debate over should the horn play " I wish I was in Dixie" or just go "A-Hooga, A-Hooga!". I applaud you guys for setting a standard.
Which may explain why we have no problem taking the car apart in front of all the TMS and Toyota Execs
i'll test my premium horns today to see if anything has changed. i installed them around the same time as you did, HTMLspinnr.
My horn has slipped from A to A flat. My piano tuner is coming soon so I will ask him if he can adjust it.
Doppler effect is really unimportant in this case. The OP probably liked his horn blowing a major third (as the ratio of the frequencies is 4:5). If one of the horns is off, it is unpleasant for the ear of a musician. No matter how fast an in-tune Prius is approaching or departing the ratio of the frequencies will stay the same - a major third. It will sound higher or lower - but it is the same nice sounding interval. The out-of tune Prius will always hurt the musicians ears. But maybe this dissonance will warn the inattentive driver more effectively