Apologies if this has been asked before--I tried several searches with different wording and didn't come up with any hits. I am the very happy owner of a 2005 Prius--purchased in Feb. 05. I was wondering if there were any updates to the Nav GPS system database--has any updated CD come out? Thanks in advance!
If your car came with version 4.1 or 4.2, there have been two subsequent version issued since the '05 model year. Version 5.1 and 6.1 were released shortly after the '06 and '07 models respectively went on sale. If you are going to upgrade, you should wait for the release of version 7.1 in the next few months. Make sure that you get the DVD for your generation NAV system (with the low resolution screen). The high res version will not work in your system.
hey, so this question kinda of relates to what I have been wondering about. I have the same car with the same version of map DVD and I've come across a map dvd with number 464210-0750 and I am wondering if thats the right one for the prius. Thanks.
I have a 2005 Prius of which I took delivery in March 2005. The Nav System is the original (says "W41" on the DVD). I have read about loss of the service "override" feature (permits map Destination entry and other inputs while vehicle is in motion) on the latest version of the Nav DVD (7.1?). Can anyone confirm that the service "override" feature is still functional on the ver. 6.1 (2007)? Assume I require the lo-res version since my MFD is in an early 2005 model. GB
So in tracking down an updated version of the disc, how do we know if it is a lo-res or hi-res version? Are they even making a lo-res version of 8.1??
2005 Prius. The Nav system suddenly stopped reading the disc a few months ago. Dealer says the computer is shot, it's a closed system and the only solution is to replace it for about $5,000. Is that true? I keep getting a message that says to insert the correct disc. I have removed and reloaded the disc several times, it looks fine, no scratches. But I keep getting the same message. Any Ideas? Thanks, Rodney