I'm about to purchase a queen size mattress and box spring. What are your guys thoughts on strapping it to the roof of my 2008 Prius? I'll take any and all thoughts, suggestions, and suggestions of not to do it. It is approximately a 5 mile drive from the store to my place on surface streets.
Take pics of that and post them please. The roof will hold it. The matress will however be wider than the roof. Before you do this though get yourself 2 quality ratchet straps
DG- I got the straps ready. Thanks for the help. HYO- It's about $80 to deliver it. I used to have an Xterra before I sold it for the Prius, and I was the guy that everyone called to move stuff, it was so annoying-- so I vowed I would only ask others in times of emergency. I haven't closed the $80 door yet, but would prefer not to if I could. DAVE - thanks for the story-- I feel a little better now. I appreciate all the advice, please keep it coming.
In fact, on weekends most car rental outfits have specials. Last I checked (two weeks ago) it was $20 per day for a PU. I would NEVER carry stuff like that on the roof! You might think it's light, but most roof racks on cars are rated at 100 lbs MAX, and part of that rating is to ensure the roof is not damaged (the rest is because most OEM roof racks are junk and can't carry much weight).
Well said. It is simple to do this, I did it when I bought a new bed that would not fit into the Prius. $20 for a rental is better than losing that mattress and box on the road and having it destroyed.
Dude, have you thought of doing one of those $20/day U-Haul van rentals? It's going to be a hell of a lot smoother than doing it with your Prius.
If you have an Ikea near you, pick-up one of their free cardboard roof racks: [IMGLINK]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3386/3498817302_072f809496_o.jpg[/IMGLINK] Or make your own out of cardboard for the floor, and pool noodles or foam pipe insulation (or FedEx triangular tube mailers if you can get them for free) for the cross (load) bars.
I'd go ahead and try it but stay in the center lane. Also, when you get out on the highway, let us know how fast you have to go to get the front wheels to lift off the road.
the Ikea in Renton, WA is where i got the bed. took it on the freeway more than 40 miles (actually did a detour for lunch... the thing sat on the car for about 5 hours) took it to olympia, Wa... the bed was in two boxes. there was probably a good foot overhang on each side. the guy there tied it down for us, did a great job. said that store policy did not allow him to accept tips. i posted a pic here of my son's canopy bed also bought at same place. same situation
I'm disappointed to say that I never got to even try putting the mattress on the roof. They told me it was in stock, it wasn't-- so they are now ordering it and delivering it for me. Thanks everyone for the replies.