Folks, I'm looking to replace my "original" HID bulbs on my Pkg 6 Prius. Yes, an '07 with the "Fail Package" built-in! Anyway, love the car and as I have assimilated the knowledge on DIY bulb replacement (mucho gracias, PriusChat friends!) I am now hunting down best price/best vendors on D4R's. Ideas? Recommendations? The threads I searched that included vendors were sparse, and thought I'd ask on a separate post. PS... I use large font 'because my eyes are old!!! My trusty Prius brought me to the awesome hike spot I snapped in the photo - a cool 16+ mile loop in SNP - I'm overlooking Massanutten Mountain in the distance....a super day with my Prius! (and wife and dog!) Thanks a bunch! Adam
You can find cheaper on Ebay, but Luscious Garage offers OEM quality for $94 + shipping. Luscious Garage | Blog | Prius headlight problem, D4R HID bulbs *still overpriced, not covered under warranty* Luscious Garage | Blog | Prius HID D4R D2R Headlights
Thanks, DF! I wanted to also get a sense of "familiarity" folks might have with specific, reputable Ebay vendors. Seems like I have no trouble finding 4300k bulbs (stock, which I wish to keep) by Philips and Sylvania for around 35-40 bucks a pop. "Off-brand" or non-name HIDs, even cheaper - around 50-60 bucks a pair. Thanks! Adam
Windstrings likes the bulbs and eBay vendor discussed in his thread about HID replacement:
I bought mine off ebay from Stillenmaxima98 for $60 including shipping for the pair. If I remember correctly he has a 1 year warranty on them as well. They have been working perfectly for us!