You know that red light which blinks to indicate that the Theft Deterrent System is working, about every two seconds, even when you are sitting in the car and want some quiet time with everything off? It drives my wife crazy, and it annoys me too. Any way to turn that light off without turning off the entire Theft Deterrent System? I'd be OK if it blinked a few times to indicate that it's working, and then stopped. BTW, is it possible that this thing blinking for days on end might be the source of the complaints we've heard in other threads about the 12 V battery being drained more quickly on the Prius than most cars?
I dont think that there is a way to turn that light off, and i dont think one flashing led would drain the battery, most newer cars have a flashing led for the security system.
Can't speak for the rest as I have only had my Prius for a couple of weeks; but speaking from an electronic background, a single flashing LED consumes minimum current. A guestimate would be that you can run a single flashing LED for a year or two on a couple of AA cells.
Done black electrical tape for other annoying things lights in other cars. Was hoping that there would be a more elegant answer since there are so many things in this car that can be adjusted by the dealer. Thanks to all, including those who reassured me that this is just an LED light which doesn't use much power.
That light bothers me too. We have a 99' Camry and the theft light flashes ONLY when the car is locked. Sometimes I think Toyota goes backwards in some of it's features. Since the Prius is theft proof why even bother having a light flash all the time. The only way a Prius can be stolen is with the key. Has anyone ever heard of a Prius being "hot wired" and stolen???
If designed correctly, it should consume less current than the normal self-discharge of the 12V battery.
Don't believe so, but it CAN be loaded on a flat-bed tow truck and taken to a chop-shop. But so can any other car!
The light tells would be thieves to don't waste their time with your car. Breaking the glass or jamming the door will not let you start the car upon entry so why try? It saves your car.... Well worth the light in my view. Yuma Taco, By the way its on most Toyotas now days.
There is also the light that indicate whether the airbag is on for the front passenger. Why don't they just do it without a light. It is not as if Toyota allows you to change anything.
Quite true... but it is still an additive discharge. Big question I keep wondering about is why are the interior lights still incandescent... and why does the car let you leave anything on for extended periods? But anyway...
This is true, but what does this so called "immobilser" really do? Since the Prius, as I stated, can not be hotwired without the key what good is this feature?
An engine immobiliser refuses to fire up the engine unless the correct coded-key is used (if it's an electronically coded immobiliser). A transponder immobiliser requires a transponder to be placed at a hidden spot (only the owner knows where the transponder receiver is located) to disable the immobiliser before the engine can be started. Typically they disengage the starter but they can also disable the fuel line and one other place that I forget. A Start Button doesn't mean it can't be hotwired although, yes, a Prius is harder to steal than most cars. In addition, some insurance companies give discounts for vehicles equipped with immobilisers.