I have been driving my 2009 for a little over a year. For most of that time, I worked about 10 miles from home and drove over a very well maintained freeway (no pot holes...). For the past 2 months, I have changed to a location closer to home and drive the city roads which are not in the best shape especially around the university area. Whenever, I hit a pot hole or just a very bad spot of asphalt AND I have my brakes on, the anti skid light comes on and I can feel that my traction feels like its skidding a bit, probably why the light comes on! But is this normal? Do I need to take the car in for a checkup? I know that my son borrowed this car to transport a bicycle to a back road and ended up getting a small rock trapped up around the wheel. It kept making noise and finally the dealer found the rock. They said it did no damage but then I began to notice the anti skid problem and wondered if it was related to the rock that got caught inside the wheel/steering/driving (?) mechanism. Thanks, Patty
Hi Patty, This is normal especially if your car still has the original equipment Goodyear Integrity tires which don't have very good traction even in the best of circumstances. After a year of driving, your tread may only have 50% of useful tread left, or less. This further diminishes the available traction. (New tires have 10/32" tread depth, measure yours to see how they compare to new.) If this condition bugs you, replace the tires.
Patty, The tires that come with the car are horrible...I put Perrelli tires on and I cant tell you how much better the car ride and controls...I have put two sets on..Yes very pricey but the world of difference in the ride as well as control... i have 136,00 miles so I have lots of road experience...lol Ginger
When you go over a sharp bump the wheel actually "bounces" on the pavement. This -can- allow the brakes to "lock" that wheel while it's in the air (partially because the wheel is so light and partially because the system is so sensitive), and the anti-lock system detects that as a skid and reduces braking on that wheel. This is the cause of panic in so many who believe the brake system is "failing". If this is a problem, you're leaving your braking too late!