With all the recent PHEV talk surrounding Toyota lately, one might think that they forgot all about their future commitment to electric vehicles (EVs). No so, according to information released by Toyota today. Toyota plans on releasing a small, urban commuter lithium-ion battery electric vehicle (BEV) to market in model year 2012. Most likely the EV will be released in 2011. Here's some more information from Toyota. Video (B-Roll) below that. In 1997, Toyota introduced the RAV4 EV battery electric vehicle in California. 1,484 of these 100 mile range large-battery electric vehicles were either sold or leased over the course of the program. Nearly half are still on the road. Shortly thereafter, Toyota started a modest demonstration program with a small-battery electric urban commuter vehicle, called the e-com. This concept addressed the idea of the “on-demand” city station car similar to the Zip-car business model that is becoming popular in large urban areas. Although shorter in range, the e-com program addressed a specific mobility niche at a much more affordable price than the RAV4 EV. The RAV4 EV and e-com programs were short lived due to lack of commitment from the market; the consumer and the consumer’s environmental mind set were not ready to commit to battery electric vehicles at that time. Recent increased awareness of environmental issues and the benefits of advanced technology vehicles have reinvigorated an interest in the electric vehicle market. As a result, Toyota will bring a small, urban commuter lithium-ion BEV to market in model year 2012. Battery technology has progressed significantly in the time since the RAV4 EV and e-com programs. But major challenges still remain. The cost of lithium-ion batteries needs to be reduced significantly, or a more affordable alternative developed. Like hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, battery electrics will require the creation of infrastructure for recharging on the go. This issue of range is also a challenge to overcome. Even at 100 miles, BEVs as a primary mode of transportation do not yet offer what most consumers see as true mobility.
This is all very exciting, affordable Prius-mini, the beginnings of a Prius family, EV vehicles being brought to market. But I can't wait to begin seeing data from these PHV Prius which will be arriving soon! It will be a very interesting future in the world of Hybrid, PHV and EV vehicles with a company like Toyota beginning to take a serious stance on the technologies.
Now that video was funny! No music, no "vroom", no "whirr". Just room a/c fan noise and the "clack" of the door. Here comes the noisemaker legislation!
actually i just noticed thats a FT-EV II. Future Toyota electric vehicle II. I wonder what happened tot he FT-EV I ??
EV1 was taken and crushed, or maybe that was the RAV4-EV I hope the production version looks better than the concept vehicle. I didn't go for that front styling when Renault (??I think) used it, and Toyota have not improved the look at all.
+1 What is it with the EV designers? All too many of the somewhere-off-in-the-murky-future, still vaporware EV bodies look like some kind of pitiable mutation begging for a merciful death. The Nissan Leaf and Think CIty are two exceptions, and they go to the other end of the body design spectrum... boring, zzzzz. I don't think the cars should look plain-Jane simple. But, come on, The Mitsu i-MIev looks crisp and clean, and its sporty cousin the iMIev Sport concept has pretensions to being both exciting to look at and of all things aerodynamic.
Ranger, In this case I am not so sure that Toyota is leading the pack as many other manufacturers have announced introduction of EV in their 2011/2012 line up. They will sell as for one I am looking forward to get an EV for my go around vehicle. Hopefully mass production will bring the price of batteries down, and bring us back to the basic concept to ween us from petroleum total dependency. Those are exiting times!!, as for the look it is another Echo.
i am looking forward to all of them actually selling their vehicles, and not just announcing them. GM has been announcing their hybrid vehicles since 2004 and look what they have on the market - 6 years from then. Once they actually start selling them, then we will have real competition going... and competition is only way to get this thing moving off ground.
I don't like the frontal window with a direct view to the crouch. From the rear view, the tail pipe is missing. Oh wait, it should not be there.
Bring it on ... what ever it looks like. I'll buy it. Whether they're first or WHO EVER is first ... that's what the real question is. .
Yes, Tesla is available, but for you I'll qualify, "... I won't be killed by 'she-who-must-be-obeyed' because of the pricy purchase' ... and regarding the ZENN I'll qualify, "... I gotta be able to legally drive it on a freeway". First seller with those qualifications ... .