Hello everyone, I was just curious.... how much do you pay a month for full coverage auto insurance? I live in southern CA and I'm paying about $160 a month with Allstate. Anyone know of a cheaper company which has equally good coverage? Cheers, LT1bird
i've got some good news and bad news. bad news. you are paying a lot for auto insurance. good news. i saved a ton of money on geico insurance. comedics aside, geico really saved me a bit. me and the wife are mid 20's and we pay about $1200 per year
I'm paying $200 /month also with All State (Southern CA). Clean record. This is the basic full coverage (15/30, etc) Bristol West was a rip off. Never again!
I live in NJ and pay $5,000 a year for three cars with full coverage and $0 deductible on comprehensive and $300K liability before my umbrella kicks in. It was less, but I just added my teenage daughter to the policy. NJ has the highest rates in the country.
Try Liberty Mutual. My husband and I are in tennessee, so rates are lower here, but we only pay $113 per month for both vehicles at 250/500/250 coverage.
Its all based on population density -- not to mention accident (free) history. NJ has a higher density than Japan! There is also a lot of insurance fraud, so we pay for it in the rates. My rates with StateFarm are very good, as I have been with them accident free since long long before the Prius was even a distant concept -- maybe longer
we have progressive here in NC. with $500 deductible on the prius, plus his 87 camry with liability only we pay $120 a month when they don't screw up and undercharge me for 4 months and then make up for it in the last 2 months of the term. the rates are ok but i'm not happy with their customer service... and we may switch to allstate at the end of the year since we have renters insurance with them. my history is clean, he has a non-serious ticket from 2 years ago.
I'm in West LA and just paid $640 for the next six months through Mercury. It's about $60 more (for the 6 months) than I was paying them for my 1994 Accord EX coupe.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LT1bird\";p=\"105569)</div> Rates vary depending on your age, gender, driving record and your zip code. When I moved from the West Side to the Valley, my rates dropped about 30%. I now carry $100/$300/$100 coverage for the Prius and a Dodge Grand Caravan at a cost of just over $2,000 a year (the Prius' share is ~$1,400). I also carry a $2 Million umbrella policy for an extra $250 a year. The cheapest policies are with Mercury and 21st Century. Allstate is one of the more expensive insurers in Southern California. P.S. Why did you post this in the Fuel Economy forum?
Zero deductible? Help me out here.......I'm not farmiliar with a Zero deductible policy or why anyone would want one. I've not had an accident (knocks on wood)...... in over 14 years. I don't understand why everyone is sooo caught up in having a "low" deductible.........because.........say you have a small fender bender.....might be a dented bumper......with the way prices are....this could cost as much as $1500-2k to fix........you have a $500 deductible so the insurance pays the $1k or $1500 balance.....then.....they raise your rates to make their money back. I view insurance as a tool for "catasthropy"........something that would cost me lots of money out of pocket to correct.....therefore I keep all my deductibles at $1k and pay much less over a longer period of time then if I was to have a low deductible that I would never use anyway! ps....I have 3 vehicles with 21st century on a 100/300 policy.....So. Calif $2600/yr.
I carry $500 deductible on collision but $0 on comprehensive which covers things like fire and glass damage. I carry this because it pays for itself. Around here we get dinged with stones from trucks that break windshields at least twice a year. When we go for a new windshield there is zero cost, it pays.
P.S. $500 deductible collision, $100 deductible comprehensive, driving about 10-12,000 mile per year on each car and both are garaged.
A low deductable for comprehensive doesn't raise my premium much. I pay $20/yr extra for a $50 comp deductable vs. $500. I have glass damage about once a year. Living in the city it pays for itself and comp claims don't raise my premium (I've only had glass claims thou) The nice part about real-time online premium quotes (like Progressive does) you can play with your deductables to find the "sweet spot". (Agents on the phone seem unwilling to check many combinations.. go figure) There is a point where lowering your collision ded. further greatly raises your premium. For example, going from $500-$250 changed my premium about $20/yr. Going from $250 to $100, I think, would raise it $400/yr. I do a "how often would I have to have a claim for this to make sense" question, and decide on premium accordingly.
Good points, when I recently bought the used Prius I sat down with my agent at his computer and we figured out which of the three vehicles to "claim" my daughter would primarily drive to minimize the total premiums. I have found that the $0 deductible on the comprensive is the sweet spot here.
I live in the Seattle area and have Allstate. I have several policies with them and get a good driver discount. I pay about $150/month.
You may want to do some shopping around, then. I have Geico, and while I don't have a Prius yet, they quoted me $632.70 for a 6 month policy with $500 comp/collision deductible. That's $105.45 per month. I'm 30, female, have a clean record back 6 years, and live in Federal Way. I don't have any other policies with Geico either.
I have 75k/150k/1kk with the Auto Club and pay $150/month. It went up $800/year when I got the prius over what I was paying for the tercel. Same coverage too. I am going to shop around. I have heard there is a trade off between policy price and chance of being cancelled. My rates my be higher because when I am traveling on the freeway people like to pass me on the right then suddenly turn left.
Wow, I guess my rates are better than I thought. I pay 70$ a month for 100/300/50 with a 500$ deductible and a 100k uninsured and a 5000$ PIP. Company is statefarm. I have several discounts and a no cancel guarantee due to my long tenure with them. I have had a few no fault claims with them from hit and run drivers and hitting a deer. My wife pays 80$ for hers because her policy is not as old. We live 30 miles outside Austin.